Rekindle And Recover: Unconventional Re-Engagement Email Templates That Work

Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days.”

Doug Larson

The good old days. When your customer was actively engaged with your product and service. 

They were there for every sale, product launch, or event, cheering you on and turning out their pockets to support your business.

However, for one reason or another, that connection was lost. 

The good news? 

There’s a way to smooth out the rough or negative aspects of past experiences and evoke the positive emotions and memories associated with the good old days.

It’s as easy as filling out re-engagement email templates featuring customer testimonials, exclusive offers, or requesting feedback from disengaged customers to improve their experience with your brand. 

Today, we’re going to focus on these templates to help remove the rough edges of disengagement and reignite customers’ interest and enthusiasm. We’ll also go into:

  • How to leverage exclusive offer or discount email templates to entice disengaged customers and drive conversions.
  • The power of personalized recommendation email templates in creating a tailored experience that resonates with customers.
  • A guide for designing a social proof or testimonial email template that’ll knock the socks off your unengaged customers.

Let’s delve into the world of effective templates designed to revive interest and boost conversions.

Social Proof or Testimonials Email Templates

At some point or another, you wanted to purchase something and decided to research the best product or service to get your money’s worth.

While perusing through the features and benefits of each company certainly helped your research, that’s probably not what helped you make the buying decision. 

The testimonials were.

Chances are you came across a comment by someone like you who used the product to solve a specific problem that resonates with you. 

You probably thought, “Hey, if they loved it enough to come and talk about it here, it must be awesome.” 

Testimonials are one of the most powerful resources for your brand because they have the power to influence potential customers’ purchasing decisions. 

By sharing experiences and success stories of satisfied customers, you’re able to highlight the benefits and value of your offering from people who experience the same problems as your prospects. 

Social proof or testimonial email templates provide a platform to present these stories effectively, influencing recipients to take action and make a purchase.

When retargeting disengaged customers, adding testimonials as social proof builds trust and credibility with recipients who are on the fence about your offering. 

Positive feedback from real customers can help alleviate doubts, boost confidence, and increase the likelihood of conversion.

The structure of a social proof or testimonial email template is crucial for your outreach efforts. Let’s take a look at a few elements that will require your consideration:

  • Personalized greeting: Start the email with a personalized greeting to address the recipient by name.
    Avoid generic-sounding salutations, such as “Dear ,” and aim to add a personal touch to show that the message is tailored to them. 
    For instance, you might instead address them as “Howdy, ” for a quirky and fun greeting.
  • Opening statement: Begin with a brief opening statement to grab the recipient’s attention and set the context for the email.
    Talk about how you appreciate everyone who has ever purchased your products and how you’re always happy to hear from them so that you can share the love with others.
  • Testimonial excerpts or summaries: Include two to three testimonials from satisfied customers that align with your key value proposition. It’s always better to have them sing your praise than doing it yourself.
    Choose testimonials that talk about the specific benefits of using your products to give the disengaged customer a taste of what they’re missing out on.

Here we have an image of a natural-sounding social proof or testimonial email template that features testimonials with informal, funny, and engaging language that simply can’t be faked.

The email puts the spotlight on the product by framing them in the words of the customer.

Moo's customer testimonial email example

Here is a list of web pages that have social proof or testimonials email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Social Proof or Testimonials

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

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OnDigitalMarketing has a curation of case studies that can serve as valuable examples of successful re-engagement campaigns implemented by other businesses. 

By studying these case studies, you stand to gain inspiration and learn from their strategies, tactics, and approaches to incorporate into your own social proof or testimonials email templates.

Personalized Recommendation Email Templates

Honestly, there’s no excuse for any company not to send out personalized emails, especially in this AI age.

It’s as easy as using recommendation algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze the collected customer data and generate personalized recommendations.

These algorithms consider factors such as purchase history, product affinity, browsing patterns, and similarities to other customers with similar profiles. 

Here are a few examples of software your company can leverage to acquire this information:

The personalized data accrued from these recommendations can be applied to personalized recommendation email templates for customer reactivation campaigns.

As we discussed in the previous template, one of the reasons why some customers fall off with brands is due to a lack of engagement and communication. 

While this might be the case, sometimes the issue runs deeper than that. The customers may feel as if the emails your brand sends them are too generic or generalized.

Personalized recommendation templates leverage data-driven insights and customer behavior analysis to deliver tailored product or content recommendations that show your customer you know them intimately and are always keeping them in mind. 

By understanding each customer’s preferences and past interactions with your brand, you’re able to curate a personalized experience that resonates with them.

Now, let’s take a look at the contents of a personalized email template and some actionable tips you can use to improve your own:

  • Product images: Humans are visual creatures, and try as they might when they see something that looks good, they must stop and admire it.
    Visually appealing product images can help customers visualize the product and see how it might fit into their lives.
    When choosing product images for your personalized recommendation emails, make sure they’re high quality and relevant to the recipient’s interests.
  • Descriptions: Product descriptions are supposed to provide customers with more information about the product, such as its features, benefits, and how it can be used.
    When writing them, ensure they’re clear, concise, and persuasive. Use keywords that are relevant to the customer’s interests, and highlight the personalized benefits of the products you’re recommending.
  • Prices: Transparency when it comes to prices is crucial when winning back disengaged customers.
    Make sure the prices are accurate and easy to understand and avoid spring extra changes on them without warning.
    You may also want to consider offering discounts or promotions to further entice disengaged customers.

Here is a list of web pages that have personalized recommendation email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Personalized Recommendation

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

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OnDigitalMarketing follows one golden rule above all others: Know thy user. 

Our digital marketing textbook and worksheets are built on the foundation of design thinking, which makes the customer the focal point of all your email campaigns.

By understanding your users’ needs, preferences, and behaviors, you will maximize the effectiveness of personalized recommendation templates to create content that truly resonates with them. 

This user-centric approach increases the likelihood of customer reactivation and renewed interest in your brand offerings.

Exclusive Offer or Discount Email Templates

There’s a reason why customers buy your product or service. It solves a pain point they have in a way that only your product can.

That kind of history means something, and there are a few reasons why customers may stop purchasing from your brand. Some of these reasons may include:

  • High prices or a lack of perceived value
  • Availability of better alternatives or competition
  • Lack of product or service updates or innovation
  • Changes in personal circumstances or needs
  • Lack of communication or engagement from your brand

Fear not, this is not the end-all be all. There’s an effective way to re-engage disengaged customers: leveraging exclusive offer or discount email templates.

These templates provide an enticing incentive for customers to reconnect with your brand and take action.

For example, as the marketer for a skincare brand, you’ll want to start by segmenting your customer database to identify the disengaged customers.

Look for customers who haven’t been opening and engaging with your emails for more than three months and add them to targeted lists for the re-engagement campaign.

Next, using the templates as a guide, craft personalized emails for this segment, emphasizing the exclusive offer and discount on the customer’s favorite products or past purchases. 

Ensure that you design the emails in a way that captures the customers’ attention and reminds them of the positive experiences they had with the brand in the past.

For example, instead of using plain product images, consider having before and after pictures of models who used your products making funny faces.

The description must showcase the skincare brand’s latest products, emphasizing the improvements they’ve made to better meet their customers’ skincare needs. 

If possible, explain how their formulas have been enhanced with natural ingredients, backed by scientific research, and cruelty-free practices. 

Additionally, emphasize the positive feedback and testimonials from other satisfied customers to clear out any lingering doubts.

To sweeten the deal, offer an exclusive discount of 30% on the customers’ next purchase. 

Everyone loves a good deal, and this offer demonstrates that you value your customer and are willing to reward them for trusting your brand with their business.

As a result, you stand to gain the following benefits:

  • Reengaging dormant or disengaged customers: An exclusive offer or discount can serve as a powerful tool to reengage customers who have become inactive or lapsed.
    By providing an attractive incentive, such as the 30% discount, you’re able to reignite their interest and motivate them to make a purchase or take action.
  • Improved customer retention: Offering exclusive discounts to existing customers can help strengthen their loyalty and encourage repeat purchases.
    Phrasing and designing the email in a personalized manner makes your customers feel valued and appreciated, enhancing the customer experience and fostering long-term relationships with your audience.
  • Increased conversion rates: Exclusive offers or discounts create a sense of urgency and incentivize customers to make a purchase.
    Using urgency-based language, such as “This offer is available for 48 hours” or “Few items remaining in stock,” can lead to higher conversion rates as customers are more likely to take advantage of the limited-time offer

If you look at the following image, you’ll see how it showcases a visually appealing email template with vibrant colors and clear call-to-action buttons.

The discount is clearly displayed and urgency is leveraged to motivate the customers to take action and aid engagement rekindling efforts.

Topshop exclusive email offer

Here is a list of web pages that have exclusive offer or discount email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Exclusive Offer or Discount

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

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OnDigitalMarketing’s College Textbook offers tips and best practices on how to identify complementary products, create enticing offers, and effectively communicate these offers through email.

Additionally, we provide guidance on designing visually appealing and engaging emails that effectively showcase your products in a flattering light and drive conversions.

Reactivation Incentives Email Templates

Have you ever forgotten a beloved old song?

There wasn’t any particular reason for it, but you simply couldn’t recall its existence.

Now, imagine one day you hear that very song playing on your drive to work, and suddenly, a deep feeling of nostalgia washes over you. 

You turn the volume to full blast and enjoy your commute to the office. Your spirits soar, and you become super productive throughout the day. 

Just like how rediscovering an old song evokes nostalgia and joy, reactivation incentives email templates aim to reignite that same feeling of excitement and engagement in users or customers who have become inactive.

Life can get busy, and sometimes, customers who were once loyal to a brand patron may forget about a particular product or service if they haven’t interacted with it for some time, even without any specific reason for their disengagement.

For the disengaged customer, the reactivation incentives email is like hearing an old song they once loved. 

It evokes nostalgia and reminds them of the value and positive experiences they had with the product or service in the past.

To maximize the impact of a reactivation incentives email template, consider the following key considerations:

  • Reminder of inactivity: In an understanding and non-judgemental tone, gently remind the reader that they haven’t been active for a while.
    Use phrases like “We miss you” or “Dear old friend” to convey a genuine desire for their return.
  • Value proposition: Remind recipients of how much they enjoyed and loved a product and service they bought in the past.
    Utilize breezy language with future pacing to help customers envision their lives with your product, emphasizing the benefits it brings.
  • Nostalgic or positive tone: Set the scene of a warm and inviting atmosphere through language that stirs positive emotions and nostalgia.
    For instance, “Remember the Good Times? Let’s make more together.” evokes optimism and enthusiasm, similar to the feeling of rediscovering an old song that brings joy and happiness.

Remember, reactivation incentive email templates offer more than just a fun read. As a marketer, they provide you with the following benefits:

  • Brand reinforcement: Reminding customers of the value of your product or service strengthens your brand’s image and keeps it fresh in customers’ minds.
  • Increased customer lifetime value: Reactivating customers extends their lifecycle with your brand, leading to higher customer lifetime value and potential for repeat business.
  • Reduced churn: Reactivation incentives can prevent customers from churning, reducing customer resistance and maintaining a healthy customer base.

Listed below are web pages with more in-depth information on reactivation incentives email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Reactivation Incentives

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

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Catch-Up or Highlight Reel Email Templates

Catch-Up or highlight reel email templates are messages that provide a summary or compilation of important updates, events, or content that the recipient may have missed during a specific period of inactivity. 

The overarching goal of these emails is to keep recipients informed and engaged by highlighting key information, product updates, promotions, or notable achievements that occurred while they were inactive.

Let’s imagine a scenario where you’re the email marketer for “Tech Today” a tech news and updates company that regularly sends out a weekly newsletter to its subscribers. 

The newsletter covers the latest technology news, product releases, industry insights, and helpful tech tips. 

However, you notice a decline in your open rates and engagement metrics for your weekly newsletters over the last few months. 

Some subscribers have become inactive and haven’t opened or engaged with the newsletter for the past three months.

In a bid to rekindle the interest of the inactive subscribers and encourage them to get back in the loop with all the latest tech updates, you use a catch-up or highlight reel email with the following element:

  • Subject line: Since recipients haven’t been opening emails, your subject line needs to be a show-stopper. You want it to evoke curiosity and excitement to encourage them to open the email.
    Test a few subject lines on a select number of segments of your email list and send the best performer to the rest of your subscribers.
  • Recap section: This section needs to be ripe with appealing visuals, fascinating facts, and bizarre stories that have happened in the tech world.
    Use fun and curiosity-spiking headlines to introduce each story, a short summary of the story’s content, and appealing visuals to tie it all together.
    The visual and textual teasers pique the interest of recipients encouraging them to click through to the full content.
  • Link to full content: The CTA buttons help sell the story just as much as the visuals and the text.
    Providing readers with a link to full content allows them to delve deeper into the topics they find interesting, satisfying their curiosity and giving them the opportunity to access the content that resonates with them.
    For instance, for more detailed reviews and comparisons of the latest tech gadgets, “Discover More Sleek Gadgets” will work perfectly.

Catch-up or highlight reel email templates are pretty handy when it comes to updating customers about interesting elements happening in your company or industry. 

Moreover, they have proven useful for marketers just like you beyond the inbox in the following ways:

  • Remind of value: Marketers can remind recipients of the value they may have missed during their period of inactivity, rekindling their interest in the brand or product.
  • Drive traffic to website/platform: By providing links to full content, marketers can drive traffic to their website or platform, increasing engagement and interactions.
  • Generate leads: Engaging content in the recap section can pique recipients’ interest, encouraging them to explore further and potentially become leads.

Take a look at the following catch-up or highlight reel email template that features a visually appealing layout, presenting key brand updates, achievements, and product releases to re-engage customers with the value they may have missed.

Prospa highlight reel email example

Here is a list of web pages that have catch-up or highlight reel email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Catch-Up or Highlight Reel

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

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Survey or Feedback Request Email Templates

What better way is there to get information on how to treat your customers than straight from the horse’s mouth?

One efficient way to request customer input on how to improve your product or service offering is through a survey or feedback request email template.

Survey or feedback request email templates are pre-designed messages businesses use to solicit feedback, opinions, or insights from their customers, clients, or users. 

These emails typically include a link to an online survey or feedback form, allowing recipients to share their thoughts on various aspects of the business, products, services, or customer experience.

On top of the normal components of an email, such as an engaging subject line, a clear CTA, and personalization, it’s crucial that you also include the following key elements:

  • Anonymity and data privacy assurance: Trust must be earned. Assuring your recipients that all the information they provide will remain anonymous creates a sense of trust and comfort for them.
    For example, simply stating, “Your opinion matters – Your responses are anonymous and confidential.” makes it more likely that your recipients will take your survey.
    It’s plausible for people to provide honest and candid feedback when they know their responses won’t be traced back to them personally.
  • Brief survey overview: By providing a brief overview of how long it’ll take to complete the survey, you’ll set clear expectations for recipients and encourage them to participate without feeling overwhelmed.
    Clearly communicating the estimated time helps recipients plan their participation and reduces the likelihood of drop-offs due to time constraints.
  • Incentive (if applicable): Adding a reward to the mix will spur recipients to take action. An incentive serves as a positive reinforcement that encourages recipients to invest their time in providing valuable feedback.
    Incentives can range from gift cards to discounts, free trials, or exclusive access to certain content, depending on the business’s resources and target audience.
    For example, a business might offer, “Complete the survey and get a chance to win a $15 gift card!”

Your business stands to gain the following benefits by utilizing a survey or feedback request email template:

  • Improved product/service development: Feedback collected from surveys helps businesses identify areas for improvement in their products or services, leading to better offerings.
  • Increased customer engagement: Sending feedback requests shows customers that their opinions are valued, increasing engagement and loyalty.
  • Identifying advocates: Positive feedback can help identify satisfied customers who may become brand advocates.
  • Benchmarking: Surveys allow businesses to compare performance against industry standards and competitors.

Notice how the template below uses appealing visuals and warm and inviting language to motivate the recipient to take the survey. Take note of the incentive they provide to motivate the customer to participate.

SaaS feedback request email example

Listed below, is a list of web pages that have survey or feedback request email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Survey or Feedback Request

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Reminder of Benefits Email Templates 

After a customer has interacted with your brand for a while, they might benefit from a reminder of the value they receive from their association with your company or organization. 

As a result, you’ll be able to encourage recipients to take advantage of benefits they might not have utilized fully. 

Reminder of benefits email templates are messages sent by businesses or organizations to their customers, clients, or subscribers to remind them of the value and benefits they can gain from their products, services, or membership. 

These emails aim to re-engage recipients by highlighting key features, advantages, or exclusive offers that they may have overlooked or forgotten.

Be sure to include the following key considerations to ensure you get the most out of these email templates:

  • Reminder of key benefits: Since this is the main aim of this email, it’s necessary that you get your recipients excited about the main benefits and features that they used to enjoy.
    For example, using a subject line like, “Your Exclusive Benefits: Unlock Premium Features, Priority Support & More.” serves as a gentle nudge to remind them of what they have access to.
    Additionally, it prompts them to explore these benefits further, fostering a positive customer experience and promoting loyalty.
  • Use of bullet points: Bullet points are essential because they make the benefits easily scannable and digestible. Your customers are able to grasp the main advantages they stand to gain clearly and efficiently.
    Bullet points allow recipients to quickly skim through the key benefits without being overwhelmed by dense paragraphs.
    Formatting your benefits in this manner enhances readability and increases the chances of recipients absorbing the information, leading to higher engagement and action.
  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) element: Top all of this off by creating a sense of urgency and excitement through FOMO. 
    The FOMO element is a powerful psychological motivator that emphasizes time-sensitive promotions or limited-time benefits and urges recipients to act quickly to avoid missing out on exclusive deals.
    This sense of urgency increases the chances of immediate engagement, conversion, and re-engagement, making it a crucial element in reminder of benefits email templates.

As a marketer, utilizing these templates will afford you the following benefits:

  • Upselling and cross-selling opportunities: These emails provide you with an opportunity to upsell or cross-sell additional products, services, or premium features, increasing your revenue potential.
  • Better customer retention: Regularly reminding your customers of the benefits they receive can help retain their interest and keep them coming back for more.
  • Cost-effective marketing: Sending reminder of benefits emails to your existing customers is a cost-effective strategy compared to acquiring new customers.
  • Timely communication: Using reminder of benefits email templates allows marketers to communicate with customers at strategic times, such as when memberships are up for renewal or limited-time offers are available.

Below, we have an image that showcases a reminder of benefits email template designed to reinforce the value proposition of a product or service and address customer objections, enticing them to re-engage.

Apple TV+ email reminder example

Listed below are various reminder of benefits email templates that will help you boost your revenue and increase conversions:

Free Template Downloads: Reminder of Benefits

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

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Event Invitations Email Templates

Think back to the last time you received a personalized invitation to an event. Did it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

It may have been for a wedding, birthday, or graduation party, and the fact that someone wanted you to be there for a special day in their life meant a lot to you.

In the same way, event invitations email templates can be utilized by brands and organizations to make their customers feel special by sending them personalized and well-written emails requesting they attend an event.

These emails are sent to inform potential attendees about the event’s details, such as date, time, location, agenda, and any special instructions or RSVP requirements.

Event invitation email templates are commonly used for various types of events, including:

  • Business conferences
  • Seminars
  • Webinars
  • Product launches
  • Workshops

They’re an efficient way to communicate event information to a large audience while maintaining a professional and organized approach. 

However, they need to observe the following key elements in order to stand out in your recipient’s inbox:

  • Event highlights: For this section, lead with the most exciting things that’ll happen at the event. If there’s a special keynote speaker, musician, or industry leader coming to the event, inform the recipients.
    By highlighting these key features and exciting elements, you’ll pique their interest and make them enthusiastic about attending the event.
    Giving recipients a glimpse of what they can expect builds anticipation and curiosity, leading to a higher RSVP rate and overall event attendance.
  • RSVP and registration information: After getting them hyped up about who’s coming to the event, encourage recipients to sign up for the event by creating a sense of urgency, stating that there are only a few spaces available.
    Provide clear instructions on how to RSVP or register to encourage event attendance and manage logistics effectively.
    Ensure that the process is straightforward and smooth so the organizer doesn’t have a hard time planning the event.
  • Add-to-calendar option: To ensure that the recipient remembers to attend the event, include an “Add-to-calendar” button. This option is a valuable feature that helps recipients keep track of the event date, time, and location.
    It increases the likelihood of attendance and minimizes the risk of potential attendees forgetting the event or missing important details. 
    Additionally, it demonstrates a commitment to a seamless user experience and shows consideration for the recipients’ busy schedules.

As exciting as all of the above sounds, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are even more benefits you stand to gain from utilizing event invitations email templates, including:

  • Targeted audience engagement: Event invitations allow you to target specific segments of your audience who are likely to be interested in the event, resulting in more relevant and engaged recipients.
  • Automated reminders: Event invitations can be followed up with automated reminders to increase response rates and remind recipients of the event date.
  • Measure event success: Tracking email engagement and event attendance can help measure the success of the event and the effectiveness of the invitation strategy.

In the image below, you’ll find an event invitations email template that’s designed to captivate the recipients’ attention and entice them to attend upcoming events, fostering engagement, and participation.

event invitation email template

Here is a list of web pages that have event invitations email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Event Invitations

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Reactivation with Gamification Email Templates

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

James Howell 

Emailing is pretty serious business. Most companies correspond with their employees via email, which is why most people perceive them as such.

Now, imagine standing out from the rest of the emails in the inbox by bringing a little play to work. 

Reactivation with gamification email templates are a specific type of email marketing strategy aimed at re-engaging inactive or lapsed customers by incorporating gamification elements. 

Gamification refers to the use of game-like mechanics and design principles to make activities more engaging and enjoyable.

The goal of these email templates is to entice inactive users to return to a website, app, or service by leveraging the inherent fun and motivation that games provide. 

By introducing interactive and playful elements into the reactivation email, marketers hope to capture the recipient’s attention and encourage them to take action.

To elevate and engage your recipients, send them a reactivation with gamification email with the following key elements:

  • Gamification mechanics: Choose a game that aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience. You might want to consider games, such as spin-to-win wheels, quizzes, scratch-off cards, or interactive puzzles.
    Incorporating elements of play and enjoyment entices users to take action. The promise of a good time adds an element of novelty and surprise, which helps rekindle interest in your brand or service.
  • Prizes and incentives: Offering attractive and relevant rewards gives users a clear reason to take action and engage with your reactivation email. 
    You might want to offer discounts, free trials, or exclusive content to provide tangible benefits to the user, encouraging them to return to your platform and potentially make a purchase.
  • Follow-up strategy: Not all users may convert immediately after engaging with the gamification elements. Sending a follow-up email serves as a reminder and encourages those who haven’t fully converted to take action.
    Send your users a friendly reminder of the gamification opportunity they haven’t fully explored yet, coupled with an additional incentive, which creates a feeling of a limited-time chance to benefit from the offer.

Reactivation with gamification emails presents various benefits for email marketing campaigns including:

  • Fun and positive user experience: Gamified emails create a positive user experience, leaving recipients with a favorable impression of the brand.
  • Word-of-mouth and sharing: Exciting gamification experiences can prompt users to share their interactions with others, leading to potential word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Improved click-through rates (CTR): Interactive elements and attractive incentives motivate users to click on CTAs, increasing the chances of re-engagement.
  • Higher open rates: The novelty of gamification often piques recipients’ curiosity, leading to increased open rates for reactivation emails.

Here is a list of web pages that have reactivation with gamification email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Reactivation with Gamification

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Unsubscribe Options Email Templates

Although it’s sad to see your subscribers go, it’s necessary to allow them the choice to opt-out of communication with them.

In fact, it’s their right to have that option according to email marketing regulations, such as GDPR in Europe or CAN-SPAM in the United States.

However, instead of making this a bitter exchange, you have the choice to demonstrate respect for your subscriber’s preferences and privacy choices and possibly provide them with more personalized options that they’re comfortable with.

Unsubscribe options email templates provide a strategic approach for marketers to handle customer disengagement in a respectful and customer-centric manner. 

These templates offer clear and easy-to-use unsubscribe options, ensuring that customers have the choice to opt out of communications while still leaving a positive impression of your brand.

An unsubscribe options email template typically includes:

  • Confirmation of subscription status: In the spirit of transparency, state the recipient’s current subscription status upfront to establish trust and demonstrate that you’re aware of who you’re sending emails to.
    Consequently, your customer will see that you respect their time and understand their email preferences. Additionally, it helps set a positive tone and signals that the unsubscribe process will be straightforward and respectful of their choice.
  • Unsubscribe option: Although it seems counterintuitive, having a clear and prominent “Unsubcribe” button empowers your recipients to make their own decision about their email preferences.
    By facilitating a smooth and effortless unsubscribe experience, your company demonstrates a commitment to respecting the recipient’s choices and maintaining a positive brand image.
  • Update preferences option: Customers may choose to unsubscribe from your email list for various reasons, such as receiving too many emails. Instead of unsubscribing entirely, they may be willing to make a compromise. 
    Offering the ability to choose specific types of content helps retain a connection with the recipient while reducing the likelihood of complete disengagement. 
    As a result, you will be able to maintain a positive relationship with your audience and encourage continued engagement on their terms.

As a marketer, you stand to gain the following benefits by implementing the above practices:

  • Respect user preferences: Utilizing an unsubscribe options email template demonstrates respect for users’ choices and empowers them to control their email preferences.
  • Compliance with regulations: Including an unsubscribe option ensures compliance with email marketing regulations, such as GDPR or CAN-SPAM, preventing potential legal issues.
  • Positive user experience: Providing a clear and accessible unsubscribe process creates a positive user experience, even for those opting out, leaving a favorable impression of the brand.
  • Reduce unwanted emails: By facilitating easy unsubscribing, the template helps reduce the likelihood of recipients marking emails as spam, protecting the sender’s domain reputation.

Introducing the unsubscribe options email templates that empower customers with the freedom to manage their email preferences while maintaining a positive brand image and gathering valuable feedback.

Chubbies unsubscribe email example

Let’s take a look at some web pages that have unsubscribe options email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Unsubscribe Options

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Rekindle that Old Flame With Your Disengaged Customer

Every customer who has ever done business with you believed in your brand values and decided that you were the best fit for their needs.

Even when they disconnect with you for a short amount of time, there’s always room for redemption, especially when you use unorthodox approaches to woo them back into their good graces.

By offering them exclusive discounts, personalizing their emails based on their user data, and giving them a peek at how your products are helping other people, they’re going to be more inclined to reignite that flame with you.

OnDigitalMarketing offers a variety of resources, such as our college textbook, that delve into consumer behavior and psychology. 

As a marketer, leveraging this knowledge will help you understand the underlying reasons for disengagement and tailor your email templates to address those concerns effectively. 

Additionally, you’ll be fully equipped to provide insights into the psychological triggers that drive customers to reengage with brands through case studies and worksheets specifically designed for this purpose.

For more exclusive content, email marketing tips, and the latest marketing trend alerts, join leading marketers in subscribing to our newsletter to gain an email advantage over your competitors.

Inviting Success: Unique Examples of Effective Welcome Email Templates

Imagine standing in a bustling bazaar. You’ve got the most exquisite wares, the most enticing offers, but amidst the clamor, no one stops. Frustrating, right?

That’s the digital marketer’s daily dilemma. Amidst the noise of crowded inboxes, the battle for attention is real.

But imagine sending out a siren’s call that cuts through the chaos, making new subscribers pause, take notice, and step into your brand story.

At OnDigitalMarketing, we believe that’s what an effective welcome email does.

You’ve seen welcome emails before, but not like this. Not the mundane, automated hello that gets a cursory glance before it’s swept into the forgotten corners of the inbox.

We’re talking about those that pack a punch, leaving an imprint that lingers, begins a dialogue, and makes your brand unforgettable. Here’s a peek at what you’ll discover as we delve deeper:

  • Examples of effective welcome email templates which improve email engagement
  • Creative approaches for personalizing welcome emails 
  • Proven tactics to boost conversions and build loyal advocates
  • Unique welcome emails that impress and foster retention

1 – Introduction and Thank You Email Templates

When you send that first email, it’s more than just saying hello. It’s your chance to put your brand’s best foot forward, to show your audience what makes you tick and why you stand out from the crowd.

Sharing your brand story, mission, and values isn’t just about facts. It’s about weaving a narrative that your audience can connect with, and building trust right off the bat.

With every introduction and thank you email, you’re reinforcing the value they’re getting. Be it exclusive content, a front-row seat to new product launches, or an invite to your fantastic community. 

Introduction and thank you emails enable you to:

  • Ace first impressions: Introduction emails are your brand’s grand entrance. It’s where you set the stage, let your brand’s voice ring out, and share what makes you uniquely you.
  • Build engagement: Introduction and thank you emails provide useful info, tempt customers with discounts, or guide them toward discovering more about your brand.
  • Build relationships: These emails open the door for a two-way conversation, inviting customers to ask questions, give feedback, or simply chat, fostering a beautiful, long-term relationship.

Let’s dive into how we can create an effective introduction and thank you email:

First off, make sure your email starts with a warm greeting. Addressing the recipient by name, if possible, instantly personalizes your message and lets them know that you’re genuinely appreciative of their subscription or purchase.

And when it comes to gratitude, don’t hold back. Your heartfelt appreciation for their support does more than just make them feel good—it solidifies their connection to your brand.

Now, let’s dive into the five crucial elements you’ll need to introduce next:

  • Brand story: Share a concise yet compelling overview of what your brand stands for, its unique values, mission, and selling points. 
  • Value proposition: Communicate the unique benefits that come with being a part of your community. Show them what sets your brand apart and how you intend to meet their needs.
  • Community benefits: Highlight exciting perks like exclusive content access, early product launches, discounts, or special events. Make them feel privileged and excited to be a part of your community.
  • Email frequency: Be transparent about when and how often they’ll hear from you. This proactive communication reduces the likelihood of future unsubscribes.
  • Call-to-action (CTA): Encourage them to engage further. Whether it’s exploring your website, following your social media accounts, or accessing exclusive content—keep the interaction going.

Ensuring your customers know they’re supported is vital. So, make sure you include contact information—whether it’s a customer support email, phone number, or links to relevant support pages. This communicates your readiness to assist whenever they need it.

To further build trust and credibility, share testimonials, reviews, or success stories from satisfied customers. It can go a long way in reassuring your new customer about their choice.

Finally, a heartfelt closing, once again reiterating your excitement to have them as part of your community, concludes an effective onboarding process.

Take a peek at the image below. It’s a pro-level introduction and thank you email template, set to kick-start an awesome customer experience.

thank you email template

Here is a list of web pages that have introduction and thank you email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Introduction and Thank You

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

2 – Getting Started Guide or Orientation Email Templates

These templates are designed to provide new subscribers or customers with the necessary information and resources to navigate your product or service effectively.

They help digital marketers:

  • Enhance user experience: These templates can simplify the onboarding process for users. By explaining functionalities and features in a clear, step-by-step manner, they make the user’s journey more enjoyable and less overwhelming.
  • Boost engagement and retention: A well-designed orientation email encourages users to explore, interact with, and understand the value of the offering, which can contribute to increased user retention over time.
  • Reduce customer support requests: By providing answers to potential questions up front and showing users how to navigate the product or service, these templates can reduce the number of queries directed to your customer support team.
  • Leverage personalization: Personalized emails, based on the data you’ve collected during the signup process increase satisfaction levels.
  • Set expectations: Orientation emails provide a platform to set expectations about how the product or service works and what users can achieve with it. This helps in managing user expectations right from the start and can enhance overall satisfaction.

Effective getting started guide templates incorporate the following elements:

  • A welcoming note: Start with a warm, welcoming message that expresses your appreciation for their decision to choose your service or product. Personalize this note as much as possible to establish a connection right from the start.
  • Clear instructions: Whether it’s setting up an account, navigating through your platform, or using a specific feature, provide clear step-by-step instructions or even a short tutorial. Use visual aids such as screenshots, diagrams, or short videos where possible to make it even easier to understand.
  • An introduction to key features: Highlight the main features of your product or service that you want new users to try first. Explain why these features are important and how they can benefit the user.
  • Tips and tricks: Offer helpful tips and insights that can enhance their user experience. Include shortcuts, advanced features, or best practices shared by experienced users.
  • Resources: Links to further resources like FAQs, detailed guides, webinars, tutorials, or blog posts that delve deeper into the functionalities of your product or service.

Ensuring users feel supported is crucial. So, include accessible customer support information in your orientation. Whether it’s contact details or links to self-help resources, this reassurance paves the way for a smoother user journey.

Next, proactively seek their initial impressions. Encourage feedback on their first experiences or any issues they’ve encountered. This makes users feel valued, and it provides you with valuable insights for improvement.

Lastly, guide users toward their next steps. Depending on your product or service, this might involve starting a project, making a post, or setting up a profile. Clear calls-to-action (CTA) promote active involvement and deeper engagement, helping users to truly harness the power of your offering.

Here is a list of web pages that have getting-started guides or orientation email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Getting Started Guide or Orientation

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Exclusive Welcome Offers or Discounts Email Templates

These templates leverage the power of incentives to entice and reward new subscribers or customers, encouraging them to take further action and solidify their relationship with your brand.

Exclusive welcome offers or discounts email templates can provide numerous benefits for digital marketers. Here’s why they can be a game changer:

  • Attract and retain customers: These emails often contain special offers or discounts for new customers, making your brand more attractive to them.
    It encourages users to make their first purchase and can enhance customer retention by fostering a sense of value from the very beginning.
  • Drive immediate sales: Welcome offers are conversion boosters. By providing a tangible incentive, such as a discount or an exclusive offer, you’re motivating new subscribers to make an immediate purchase. This helps boost your sales and revenue.
  • Enhance customer loyalty: Customers who feel valued tend to be more loyal. By offering exclusive discounts or offers, you’re building a foundation for long-term customer loyalty.
  • Data collection: You can use these emails as an opportunity to gather more data about your customers, such as their shopping habits or preferences. This information can be used to refine your marketing strategies and offer more personalized content in the future.

Engaging templates require a compelling, customer-focused message with these elements:

  • A personalized greeting and warm welcome.
  • Clear details about the offer including the amount or percentage off and what products or services it applies to.
  • Cite any time limitations clearly.
  • Include a clear, direct CTA like a button or link guiding them to make a purchase.

It’s essential that your customers know they can easily reach out if they have any questions or face any issues. Providing contact details or links to customer support within the email builds trust and shows your commitment to customer service. 

Wrapping up the email, it’s a good idea to circle back to appreciation. It leaves the customer with a positive sentiment, setting the stage for a mutually beneficial relationship.

Here’s the image of an exclusive welcome offer or discounts email template:

exclusive welcome offer email template

Here is a list of web pages that include exclusive welcome offers or discounts email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Exclusive Welcome Offers or Discounts

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Product/Service Showcase Email Templates

Product/service templates offer a prime opportunity to highlight your key offerings and showcase the value they bring to new subscribers or customers. Specifically, they enable digital marketers:

  • Highlight features and benefits: These emails highlight your products’ or services’ features and benefits, helping users appreciate their value and potentially sparking interest or prompting a purchase.
    For instance, if you’ve launched a new eco-friendly product, a showcase email can highlight its green features and how it contributes to a sustainable lifestyle.
  • Foster engagement: You might include interactive elements like videos, quizzes, or clickable elements within the email, prompting recipients to engage and learn more.
  • Drive traffic and sales: A showcase email about your latest winter collection that includes direct links to each product steers traffic to your e-commerce store and possibly results in immediate purchases.
  • Personalize offerings: Based on user behavior and preferences, you can tailor these emails to different segments of your audience, which can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates.
    If a customer has previously shown interest in a specific product category, you can send a showcase email featuring similar products they might enjoy.
  • Brand storytelling: If your brand emphasizes ethical sourcing, a showcase email can delve into the story of how your products are made, reinforcing your brand values.

Compelling product/service showcase email templates typically include:

  • An engaging subject line: An innovative subject line can stir curiosity. Perhaps a pun, a question, or a surprising fact related to your showcased product or service.
  • Captivating visuals: Don’t just tell, show. Use high-quality images, infographics, or even augmented reality to give your customers a virtual “try-before-you-buy” experience.
  • A product/service story: Give your product or service a narrative. Is it sourced sustainably? Does it support local communities? Let your audience know.
  • A spotlight on benefits: Sure, features are important, but benefits sell. Translate product attributes into how they’ll enhance the user’s life.
  • Social proof: Add user testimonials, reviews, or ratings to foster trust and credibility.

Think about injecting some fun into your email—a quirky quiz, a 360-degree product spin, or a quick “how-to” video. It keeps things lively and helps your customers get to know your product better.

Next, let’s make sure they know what to do next. Whether it’s a big, bold “Buy Now”, “Learn More”, or “Book a Demo” button, it’s your guiding light for customers to follow.

And here’s a personal touch—recommend products that go great with their previous buys or interests.

Here is a list of web pages that have product/service showcase email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Product/Service Showcase

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Brand Story and Values Email Templates

These templates provide an opportunity to authentically connect with new subscribers or customers by sharing the story behind your brand and the values that drive your company.

A brand story email allows you to convey the narrative of your brand, showcasing its evolution, mission, and vision. 

Brand story and values email templates bring numerous benefits to digital marketing and digital marketers:

  • Brand differentiation: In today’s competitive market, having a unique and compelling brand story can set your company apart from competitors. 
  • Customer engagement and loyalty: These emails foster a deeper connection with your audience. By humanizing your brand and showcasing the values that guide your actions, you build an emotional bond with customers, leading to greater engagement and loyalty.
  • Brand advocacy: When customers resonate with your brand’s story and values, they’re more likely to become brand advocates. This means they’ll not only buy from you but also recommend your brand to others, enhancing your brand’s reach and credibility.
  • Enhanced customer segmentation: By sharing your brand’s story and values, you attract like-minded individuals. This means you can segment your audience based on the values they resonate with, enabling more targeted and effective marketing strategies.
  • Trust and transparency: Sharing your brand’s journey and core values can increase trust and transparency, which are critical in today’s market where consumers increasingly value authenticity and social responsibility.

A brand story and values email typically includes:

  • Subject line: This needs to be intriguing and compelling, piquing the recipient’s interest and prompting them to open the email.
  • Personalized greeting: Address the recipient by their name to make the email feel more personal and engaging.
  • Brand story: Share your brand’s unique journey, including its origins, its mission, and the challenges it has overcome. This helps to humanize your brand and evoke emotions that can strengthen the connection between your brand and the customer.
  • Brand values: Clearly articulate the core values that guide your brand’s decisions and actions. This may include your commitments to sustainability, social responsibility, ethical practices, customer satisfaction, or any other values that are central to your brand.
  • Visuals: Include images or videos that illustrate your brand story or highlight your commitment to your values. Visuals can make your email more engaging and memorable.

Always ensure to include a call to action, your contact information, and links to your social media profiles at the end of the email.

This not only facilitates easier communication but also invites recipients to explore and engage more with your brand across different platforms.

Below is an image of a brand story and values email.

Leesa brand story and values email

Here is a list of web pages that have brand story and values email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Brand Story and Values

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Personalized Recommendations Email Templates 

These templates enable marketers to deliver tailored suggestions and recommendations based on the individual preferences and behavior of each recipient.

They’re an excellent tool for digital marketers, bringing several benefits to the digital marketing landscape:

  • Increased conversion rates: By sending personalized recommendations, you’re providing customers with products or services that they’re likely to be interested in, which can directly lead to increased sales conversions.
  • Enhanced customer loyalty: When customers receive personalized attention, they feel valued and understood, leading to a stronger emotional connection with the brand, and subsequently, increased customer loyalty and retention.
  • Data gathering: These emails also provide an opportunity to gather more data about your customers.
    OnDigitalMarketing recommends tracking which emails customers engage with, so you can continually refine your understanding of their preferences and improve the accuracy of future recommendations.
  • Automated upselling and cross-selling: Personalized recommendation emails can be a great way to introduce customers to products or services they might not have considered.
    They effectively automate upselling, which encourages the purchase of a higher-end product than the one in question, or cross-selling, which suggests related or complementary products.
    For example, if a customer has recently bought a new DSLR camera from your online store, an email with personalized recommendations might suggest additional items like a camera bag, lens cleaning kit, or a tripod.
    This not only enhances the customer’s shopping experience but also increases the average order value for the business.

The more relevant and helpful your recommendations are, the more positive the impact on your digital marketing efforts.

Here is an image of a personalized recommendation email.

Sephora personalized recommendations email

Here is a list of web pages that have personalized recommendations email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Order Confirmation & Thank You

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Community Engagement Email Templates

Community engagement emails are predesigned email formats that are aimed at fostering a strong relationship between an organization and its community or user base.

The scope of these templates can vary widely, covering areas like customer onboarding, product updates, feedback solicitations, event announcements, community highlights, and more.

Here’s how community engagement templates advance digital marketing efforts:

  • Boosting engagement: Compelling community engagement emails prompt recipients to take desired actions like clicking on a link, registering for an event, or making a purchase. This increased engagement drives the overall success of marketing campaigns.
  • Improving customer retention: Personal, regular, and meaningful communication strengthens the relationship between a brand and its community, increasing customer loyalty and retention.
  • Promoting consistent branding: By ensuring consistency in all email communications, these templates help reinforce the brand image and message, making it more recognizable and memorable to consumers.

A compelling community engagement email template includes:

  • An innovative subject line: Start with a catchy subject line to draw attention like, “You’re the Star Tonight . Don’t Miss Our Community Highlights Event.”
  • Logo and branding: Brand visuals at the top give the familiar feel of the organization. So, the logo goes up there to create that instant connection.
  • A Greeting: A friendly greeting to set the tone, like, “Hope you’re having a great day.”
  • Personalization elements: Make it feel like a personal invitation. “Hello, . Loved your insightful post in our discussion forum last week. Because of contributions like yours, we’ve planned something exciting….”
  • Email content: This is the heart of the email. Let’s say something like, ‘“We’re celebrating the amazing folks in our community—and that includes YOU. Join us for a virtual get-together where we’ll highlight some of our community superstars’ achievements and have a blast together.

The image below showcases a vibrant and interactive online community, with users engaging in discussions, sharing ideas, and building connections, representing the essence of community engagement email templates.

community engagement email template

Here is a list of web pages that have community engagement email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Community Engagement

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Educational Content or Tutorials Email Templates

Educational content or tutorial email templates serve a wide range of purposes, ultimately helping to engage and retain subscribers, drive conversions, and establish a brand as a thought leader or expert in its industry. Here’s how:

  • Engagement and brand awareness: Educational content helps to keep your audience engaged.
    Instead of only sending promotional emails, providing content that teaches your subscribers something useful can make your brand more memorable, keeping your brand top of mind.
  • Positioning as industry experts: Sharing educational content helps establish your brand as a subject matter expert or thought leader. If your tutorials are high-quality and informative, subscribers will start viewing your brand as an authority in your field.
    This is what we strive to achieve with educational marketing content at OnDigitalMarketing.
  • Building trust: Tutorial or educational content helps in building trust among your subscribers.
    If they find your content helpful, they’re more likely to trust your brand and consider your products or services in the future.
  • Driving conversions: Tutorials can also serve as a soft sell. By showing potential customers how to use your product or how it can solve their problem, you’re demonstrating its value. This can lead to increased conversions.
    Here’s an example to illustrate: A SaaS company can send a series of tutorial emails to new users demonstrating how to use different features of their software.
    Each email can focus on a specific feature, helping the user get the most out of the product. This not only helps users but also increases the chance of them continuing to use the software.
  • Personalization and segmentation: Educational content can be tailored based on different segments of your subscriber list. This can lead to more personalized and relevant content, which can improve engagement and conversion rates.

These templates usually contain the following elements:

  • Subject line: For instance, “Master Excel in 5 Easy Steps” immediately conveys the value and content of the email.
  • Personalized greeting: Starting the email with “Hi, ,” makes the email feel more personal and engaging.
  • Introduction: A line like “Have you ever felt overwhelmed by Excel? Here’s a simple guide to help you master it,” sets the stage.
  • Educational content/tutorial: Here, you’d break down the tutorial into five easy steps, each one clearly explained.
  • CTA (Call to Action): End with a clear action for the reader, such as “Ready to try these tips in Excel? Click here to start your practice worksheet.”

Including relevant images or short clips makes your email engaging and easier to understand. “Check out the attached infographic for a visual guide through the steps,” or “Watch this quick tutorial video to see the steps in action.”

Next, further the reader’s engagement by encouraging them to delve deeper. This can be achieved by including links to additional resources. Something like, “For more advanced Excel tricks, visit our blog.”

Ensure that your subscribers feel supported. Offering help or additional information builds trust. Say, “If you’re having trouble or have any questions, feel free to reply to this email or contact our support team.”

Lastly, maintain transparency and respect for your subscribers by including an unsubscribe link, as required by email marketing laws. Subtly place it at the end of the email, “If you wish to stop receiving these emails, click here to unsubscribe.”

This way, you maintain a cohesive flow while ensuring all critical points are included.

Here is a list of web pages that have educational content or tutorials email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Educational Content or Tutorials

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Subscription Preferences or Account Customization Email Templates

Subscription preferences or account customization email templates provide marketers with a way to empower subscribers or customers to personalize their experience with your brand. 

These templates enable recipients to customize their account settings, subscription preferences, or communication frequency according to their preferences.

OnDigitalMarketing believes they a pivotal role in digital marketing for several reasons:

  • Personalized experience: By enabling customers to set their preferences, marketers can offer a more personalized experience. This can increase engagement as customers are more likely to interact with content that aligns with their interests and needs.
  • Improving email deliverability: When subscribers can customize their email preferences, they are less likely to unsubscribe or mark the emails as spam, both of which can negatively impact email deliverability rates.
  • Optimized engagement: When customers specify their preferences, they often set the frequency of communication. This reduces the risk of over-communicating and annoying customers and increases the chances of interaction with emails.
  • Customer retention: These emails reinforce the power customers have over their subscriptions. This level of control and personalized experience can lead to higher customer satisfaction and retention.

Subscription preferences or account customization email templates typically include:

  • Customizable preferences: Provide options for subscribers to customize various preferences such as content type, interests, communication frequency, etc.
  • Clear instructions: The emails include clear and easy-to-follow instructions on how to modify their preferences.
  • CTA: A strong call-to-action (CTA) is important. This might be a button or link that directs the subscriber to their account page or preference center.
  • Reason to customize: A brief explanation of why recipients need to customize their account and how it benefits them can increase their motivation to do so.

Here’s an example:

Subject: Customize Your Experience

Hello ,

We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. To ensure you get the most out of , we’re inviting you to set up your subscription preferences.

You can choose the types of content you’re interested in, set how often you hear from us, and even choose the time of day you’d prefer to receive our emails.

By tailoring your preferences, you’ll ensure you receive only the most relevant content and updates.

Thank you,

Here is a list of web pages that have subscription preferences or account customization email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Subscription Preferences or Account Customization

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Feedback and Support Channels Email Templates

Feedback and support channels email templates provide marketers with a valuable means of encouraging customer feedback, addressing inquiries, and establishing a seamless support system. 

They’re crucial in digital marketing due to several reasons:

  • Improving products or services: By encouraging feedback, these templates allow businesses to gain valuable insights about what’s working and what’s not in their products or services. This feedback can lead to improvements and innovations.
  • Customer engagement and retention: By providing multiple avenues for support, businesses show they value their customers, which can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Building trust: These templates allow businesses to show they’re responsive to customer needs and concerns. This responsiveness can build trust and enhance the overall customer relationship.
  • Identifying advocates: Satisfied customers who are eager to provide positive feedback can potentially become brand advocates.

Feedback and support channels email templates typically include:

  • Subject line: Concise and relevant to the customer’s specific issue or type of support. For example, “Response to Your Query About Product XYZ.”
  • Personalized greeting: Make use of the customer’s name to add a personal touch.
  • Acknowledgment of the Issue or feedback: Summarize the customer’s concern and empathize with their situation. For instance, “We understand your concern regarding the performance issue with Product XYZ.”
  • Information or solution provided: Detail the solution or the steps being taken to address the issue like, “Our technical team has identified the problem, and they recommend performing a software update for Product XYZ.”
  • Appreciation: Express gratitude to the customer for their feedback or for bringing the issue to the company’s attention. Here’s an example: “We truly appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.”

Following these crucial points, it’s essential to provide additional support channels to the customer. These might include phone support, live chat, community forums, or any other medium your company uses to offer assistance.

Make sure to clearly outline these options so the customer knows where else they can turn for help if needed.

Closing the email professionally and politely is also of great importance. Your closing remarks might include well wishes, followed by your name, your position, and the company’s contact information. 

If there’s a need to share any additional documents, guides, or links with the customer, ensure to attach these to the email. Providing all necessary resources helps to address the customer’s needs as effectively as possible, increasing their overall satisfaction with your customer service.

Here is a list of web pages that have feedback and support channels email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Feedback and Support Channels

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Elevating Your Welcome Email Strategy

And there you have it, folks. A treasure chest full of creative welcome series templates, poised to transform your strategy from “run-of-the-mill” to “spectacular” these templates aren’t just about jazzing up your inbox. 

These welcome strategies are your first chance to impress, captivate your new subscribers, and set the tone for your future communication. 

They also lead to higher engagement rates, which can translate into increased brand loyalty, customer retention, and, ultimately, growth in sales and revenue.

So, equip yourself with these innovative templates and let your welcome emails be the beginning of a successful marketing journey.Need more exclusive tips to propel your marketing efforts? We have tons of those in our OnDigitalMarketing newsletter. Subscribe now.

From Window Shoppers To Buyers: Compelling Promotional Email Templates

With the constant influx of window shoppers at your store, converting them into actual buyers requires a well-crafted approach.

Is there a magic formula that will turn them into loyal, enthusiastic customers? Well, there’s no magic formula, but there’s an effective tool that can help you win them over—promotional email templates.

You might be thinking, “But they never open my emails!” Yes. However, they can’t resist a compelling promotional email template that captures their interest.

By strategically leveraging these templates, you’ll capture customer attention, stimulate purchase intent, and boost conversion rates.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore a range of effective templates designed to transform window shoppers into loyal customers. 

Each template focuses on different aspects of promotional strategies, incorporating eCommerce tactics, targeted campaigns, and customer engagement techniques. 

From product spotlights to bundle deals, these templates will equip you with the tools needed to maximize customer acquisition and enhance your overall marketing efforts.So, join us as we dive into the world of digital marketing and discover:

  • How to craft product spotlight email templates that captivate customers
  • Strategies for creating limited-time email templates that create urgency
  • Techniques for utilizing new-arrivals email templates to generate curiosity
  • Tips for leveraging seasonal promotions email templates to bring in sales

Don’t let window shoppers slip away. Instead, inspire them to take action and drive business growth with the following email templates:

1 – Product Spotlight Email Templates

Product Spotlight email templates are a valuable tool that helps to showcase products to your audience in an inviting way. They excel at inviting customers to explore products you believe will fascinate them.

Such templates highlight the unique selling points of a particular product, which is vital to ensuring customers get proper information before purchasing.

Here are their key benefits of using these templates:

  • By highlighting the features of your products, you showcase your products’ value
  • You have an opportunity to cross-sell or upsell products related to the featured ones
  • You can include beautifully-shot product images to capture your customers’ interest

A Product Spotlight email template should present the product’s name in a highly visible manner to quickly establish a connection between customers and the product.

You can do this by placing the name at the top and using different fonts from the surrounding text. Also, try adding typographical effects such as bold, shadows, or a subtle glow.

Then comes the interesting part—the product’s story. Use a concise description to explain why the product stands out, how it will benefit the customer functionally, and the emotional satisfaction they’ll derive from it.

Your brand’s information is an important element that shouldn’t be overlooked. Be sure to include your brand’s logo, color scheme and typography. All this will enhance the customer’s experience. 

Lastly, add the pricing information and available discounts so that potential customers feel motivated to take advantage of the offer.

Product Spotlight email templates allow for creative storytelling that entices window shoppers to learn more about the featured product. 

The image showcases a Product Spotlight email template featuring a prominent product image, concise description, and a compelling call-to-action to engage customers.

product spotlight email template

Here’s a list of web pages that feature Product Spotlight email templates:


Free Template Downloads: Product Spotlight

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

2 – Limited-Time Offer Email Templates

Limited-Time Offer email templates ignite a sense of urgency by communicating time-sensitive promotions, which entice buyers to take fast action on the offer.

By leveraging Limited-Time Offer email templates, you will:

  • Create urgency and encourage customers to purchase before the deal ends
  • Cause a surge in your website’s traffic as you clear out inventory
  • Gain valuable insights into your customers’ shopping habits

Your Limited-Time Offer emails should feature compelling content that showcases the benefits of your offers. Use eye-catching images and other graphics to captivate your buyers. 

To the customer, Limited-Time Offer email templates foster a sense of exclusivity. They make them feel honored to be part of your brand. 

To you, the marketer, these templates are key to creating a sense of urgency, unlocking sales, and fostering a sense of exclusivity among their audience.

What’s more? When you use them strategically, they help build anticipation for upcoming promotions, keeping buyers eagerly waiting for the next offer.

By leveraging these templates effectively, you’ll maximize your promotional efforts and achieve your campaign goals.

The image showcases a Limited-Time Offer email template featuring enticing graphics, a clear call-to-action, and a sense of urgency to capture the reader’s attention.

W!zz Valentine's Day limited offer

Here’s a list of web pages that have Limited-Time Offer email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Limited-Time Offer

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

3 – New Arrivals Email Templates

New Arrivals email templates enable you to showcase your trendiest products to subscribers. 

These templates create excitement and build anticipation among your audience. They’re a sure way of driving conversions.

Ensure that the template’s header immediately grabs the customers’ attention as it announces the news of a new release.

Then, make each new arrival shine by including tempting visuals and copy that highlights their unique selling points.

To maximize the template’s relevance, segment your audience based on their interests, also known as a user persona. This tactic makes marketing easier, allowing you to recommend new arrivals that align with each buyer. 

New Arrivals email templates foster a sense of exclusivity among your subscribers, making them feel like valued insiders with early access to the latest offerings. 

They’re a way for you to generate excitement, boost engagement, and drive conversions by showcasing your latest products or services.

Ready to take a peek? The next image showcases a New Arrivals email template featuring new products that entice subscribers and trigger a purchase intent.

Leesa new product arrival email

Here’s a list of web pages that have New Arrivals email templates:

Free Template Downloads: New Arrivals

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

4 – Seasonal Promotions Email Templates

Seasonal promotions email templates are the perfect tool to harness the spending frenzy that special occasions bring. 

One remarkable benefit of using these templates is their unparalleled ability to create a sense of urgency among your subscribers. By offering exclusive holiday deals, you’ll incentivize immediate action.

Here’s what to do to benefit from Seasonal Promotions email templates:

  • Let the template exude holiday cheer by including warm holiday greetings that connect with customers
  • Dazzle them with visuals that further evoke positive emotions associated with the holiday season
  • Include awesome shots of curated gifts and bundles to maximize on the gift-giving mood customers have
  • Highlight how your selection will solve the inconvenience that comes with searching for the right gifts
  • Add a countdown timer to time-sensitive promotions to create urgency and encourage customers to respond

To stand out from your competitors, be creative and weave a narrative that revolves around a holiday theme, and ties to your offerings.

For example, if your theme is “At Home for the Holidays,” engage the customer in a short story about kindness. Then, feature products that evoke warmth, such as scarves, throw pillows, and lanterns with enchanting light.

By leveraging the excitement and sentiment associated with special occasions, you’ll make your promotions stand out and achieve maximum impact.

Here’s a list of web pages that have Seasonal Promotions email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Seasonal Promotions

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

5 – Bundle Deals Email Templates

Bundle deals email templates are a valuable asset if you’re looking to promote multiple products as a discounted package.

These templates entice customers with the convenience of purchasing multiple items together, as opposed to buying items separately. Their beauty lies in their ability to increase the average order value.

Picture this: You’re a fashion retailer offering a winter bundle deal that includes a coat, sweater, and boots at a discounted price. A customer who was planning to spend only on the coat will find the bundle offer irresistible.

They’ll feel they’ve snagged a fabulous deal, yet to your advantage, their order value has increased. They’ve spent more and boosted your revenue. 

Furthermore, Bundle Deals email templates encourage customers to explore different offerings, providing an opportunity for you to cross-sell or upsell other products.

Overall, bundle deals email templates allow you to create attractive and persuasive offers that entice customers to make larger purchases

By presenting a curated collection of products or services at an appealing price, you’re bound to witness a boost in sales while enhancing the overall shopping experience for your customers.

Here’s a list of web pages that feature Bundle Deals email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Bundle Deals

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

6 – Cross-Sell and Upsell Email Templates 

Cross-Sell and Upsell email templates promote other products to customers, based on previous purchases or products they’ve checked out.

With cross-sell email templates, you can suggest related or complementary products that enhance the customer’s initial purchase. An example is when a customer buys a camera, and you recommend a camera case or a photography book to enhance their experience. 

On the other hand, upselling allows you to promote upgraded options of the product the customer has already shown interest in. For example, if a customer purchased or expressed interest in a pair of shoes, you can suggest a premium version of the same shoe. 

By emphasizing the value of the upsell option, you’ll motivate customers to upgrade their purchase, resulting in increased average order value.

Let’s delve into the benefits cross-sell and upsell email templates have for your business:

  • Increased brand awareness: As you suggest complementary products to customers, you’re showcasing more of your brand to them.
  • Cost effective marketing: Acquiring new customers isn’t easy. Cross-selling and upselling to your current customers is cost effective since they’ve already engaged with your brand.
  • Data insight: As you thoughtfully recommend different products to different customers, you’ll soon gain insight into your customers’ buying behavior, which is helpful for future marketing.

Remember that, though upselling and cross selling have benefits, it’s important to strike the right balance. Your recommendations shouldn’t be pushy or irrelevant, they should add value to the customer’s experience.

The image showcases a Cross-Sell and Upsell email template with appealing product images and persuasive copy, enticing customers to explore complementary and upgraded products.

Asana upsell email example

Here’s a list of web pages that have Cross-Sell and Upsell email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Cross-Sell and Upsell

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

7 – Exclusive VIP or Loyalty Email Templates

Exclusive VIP or Loyalty email templates are a tool you can use to reward your most loyal customers.

These templates allow you to convey a profound sense of appreciation and exclusivity for your VIP or loyalty program members.

As customers receive the carefully tailored offers, they feel valued and appreciated for being part of the loyalty program.

Gratitude is the driver of customer experience, and getting to that place of gratitude comes by keeping the customers’ needs first.

To truly make them feel appreciated and maintain their loyalty to your brand, entice them with an array of benefits, such as:

  • Special discounts and promotions
  • Early access to new products
  • Personalized recommendations
  • Free shipping
  • Access to VIP-only events

Throughout the email template, reinforce your brand’s identity. Use your tone, voice, colors, logo, and other visual cues your loyal customers have come to associate with your brand. 

When using VIP templates, remember that the theme is gratitude. So, keep the theme thriving by letting the closing statement remind the customer they’re a valuable part of your brand.

By utilizing exclusive VIP email templates, you’ll take customer loyalty to greater heights, inspire repeat purchases, and create a sense of exclusivity that leads to customer satisfaction.

The image below showcases an email template featuring exclusive VIP offers that entice loyal customers with personalized rewards and benefits.

Band of Beauty loyalty email example

Here’s a list of web pages that have exclusive VIP or Loyalty email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Exclusive VIP or Loyalty

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

8 – Referral Programs Email Templates

Referral Programs email templates enable marketers to motivate their existing customers to bring in new customers to their businesses.

The key advantage of Referral Programs email templates is that they tap into the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

You’ve already got amazing customers who are your brand’s biggest fans. Sending them a referral email is like asking them, “Wanna share the fun and get something in return?”

Here are the elements of Referral Programs email templates that will get your customers bringing in referrals:

  • Referral program benefits: Define what you’re offering your customer for bringing the referral, and what you’ll also offer the referral.
  • Customer success stories: Showcase testimonials from customers who participated in past referral programs and how they benefited from it.
  • Expiration date: Include a deadline to create urgency of missing out on the benefits, which will prompt your customers to start referring their friends.
  • Social sharing buttons: Add sharing buttons to Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Linkedin, and other social media platforms to make the referral process faster.

Also, make sure you list all the details about the referral links, codes, and other additional instructions about the referral program.

By incentivizing customers to refer their network to your business, you’ll generate new leads and customers at a lower cost compared to traditional marketing channels. 

The image showcases a Referral Program email template that encourages recipients to refer their friends and colleagues.

referral program email template

Here is a list of web pages that have Referral Programs email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Referral Programs

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

9 – Free Trial Email Templates

Free Trial email templates are highly effective tools for marketers to promote their products by encouraging customers to try them out.

They compel customers who aren’t ready to commit to to test the product for free, and see whether they’ll purchase it.

By using Free Trial email templates, you’ll showcase the product’s value, letting your customers see firsthand how it will solve their problems, and thus minimizing the chances of your products getting returned.

During free trials, customers often leave both positive and negative feedback, which is useful to help you come up with strategies that can improve the product.

Important elements in Free Trial email templates include:

  • Features highlight: Showcase the key features and functionalities of your product to demonstrate why it’s worth trying.
  • Testimonials and case studies: Highlight successful experiences other customers have had with your product to encourage new customers.
  • Time sensitivity: Create urgency by indicating that the free trial is available for a limited time. Use phrases such as “Limited-Time Offer” or “Act Now.”
  • No obligation: Assure recipients that the trial comes with no obligation to purchase. Make it clear that they can try before committing.

Segment your audience based on specific demographics, interests, or previous interactions so that you deliver tailored content that resonates with each recipient’s needs and preferences.

The contact information you request in exchange for the free trial or demo, will help you build a database of interested prospects. Then, you’ll follow them up with targeted communications in an effort to convert them.

By tapping into the power of free trials or demos email templates, you’ll attract and engage potential customers, generate valuable leads, and increase conversion rates. 

The image showcases a Free Trials or Demos email template enticing recipients to try a product with the offer of a free trial.

free trial email template

Here’s a list of web pages that have Free Trials email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Free Trial

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

10 – Abandoned Cart Recovery Email Templates

Abandoned cart recovery email templates can help you re-engage with customers who abandoned their carts. 

The goal is simple but powerful—to remind and persuade them to return to their carts and finalize their transactions.

One key benefit of using abandoned cart recovery email templates is their ability to recapture lost revenue

By sending timely and personalized emails that highlight the abandoned items, you’ll provide gentle reminders that encourage customers to take action.

These templates often include persuasive messaging sprinkled with enticing offers, such as a discount, gift, or free shipping.

You can send a message like, “Hi Jeanette, the fabulous shoes in your cart are begging for your attention. Get free inserts when you buy the shoes.” Then, include high-quality images of the shoes and inserts to further engage the customer. 

The powerful combination of persuasive messaging, tempting offers, and call-to-action will be hard to resist.

By leveraging Abandoned Cart Recovery email templates, you’ll recover almost-lost sales, gain valuable customer insights, and improve overall customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

The next image showcases an Abandoned Cart Recovery email template that recapture the attention of customers and encourages them to complete their purchase.

Moment abandoned cart email example

Here is a list of web pages that have Abandoned Cart Recovery email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Abandoned Cart Recovery

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Get Your Window Shoppers Ready to Click and Buy

In the fast-paced digital landscape, email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses to engage their audience, drive conversions, and foster customer loyalty

By leveraging a wide range of impactful email templates, you’ll effectively communicate your message and achieve remarkable results.

Throughout this article, we’ve explored various categories of email templates, including new arrivals, seasonal promotions, limited-time offers, and much more. 

Each template category offers unique benefits, empowering you to deliver personalized content, drive engagement, and boost conversions.

At OnDigitalMarketing, we hold the beacon that guides you towards a smart digital strategy—one that enables you to know your users and delight them across SEO, social media, and email outlets.

Our materials are written by digital marketing and eCommerce experts, and are used in businesses and classrooms around the world.

Check out the College Textbook for Digital Marketing and Social Media, a book that will help you understand your user, build digital experience, and produce the right content.

We also recommend that you sign up for our email newsletter to get exclusive access to worksheets, upcoming courses, and insider tricks. But first, take a look at what entices others to join our subscriber list.

Beyond the Checkout: Innovative Post-Purchase Follow-up Email Templates

In today’s fiercely competitive business landscape, OnDigitalMarketing, your tactical and real-world education partner in digital marketing, invites you on a transformative experience to discover the remarkable potential of post-purchase follow-up email templates.

Our mission is to equip marketers with invaluable knowledge and strategies that drive customer satisfaction and foster unwavering loyalty.

We acknowledge the critical need for businesses to stay connected with their customers beyond the initial sale. Here’s where the power of post-purchase follow-up emails comes into play. They act as a key instrument in keeping customers intrigued and actively involved.

A post-purchase follow-up email is a strategic communication tool that empowers marketers to nurture meaningful customer connections, boost customer retention, and deliver an exceptional experience.

Prepare to embark on a quest where you’ll uncover a treasure trove of impactful post-purchase follow-up email templates, each with the power to captivate customers and leave a lasting impression.

As we navigate through this article, we’ll dive deep into:

  • The importance of post-purchase follow-up emails in driving customer engagement and retention.
  • Ten types of post-purchase follow-up email templates and their specific purposes.
  • Strategies for personalizing post-purchase emails to enhance the customer experience.
  • How to leverage post-purchase communication to increase customer satisfaction, encourage repeat purchases, and foster brand advocacy.

You’ll also gain insights into innovative post-purchase follow-up email templates to propel your marketing efforts to extraordinary heights. Let’s get started.

1 – Order Confirmation and Thank You Email Templates: Embrace the Art of Gratitude and Delight

Order confirmation and thank you email templates play a crucial role in post-purchase communication. These templates serve as a confirmation of the customer’s order and express gratitude for their purchase.

It’s important to recognize that the design of these emails plays a significant role in shaping customer perception. A well-designed email not only provides the necessary information but does so in a way that is visually appealing and reflective of your brand’s personality.

Let’s explore the five key elements to consider when designing these templates:

  • Express gratitude: Begin the email with a sincere thank you message, showing appreciation for the customer’s business and support.
  • Personalization: Address the customer by name and reference their specific order details to create a personalized connection.
  • Explicit order confirmation: Provide information about the order, including items purchased, quantities, prices, and any relevant tracking or reference numbers.
  • Upselling and cross-selling opportunities: Showcase related products or services that may interest the customer, offering personalized recommendations without being pushy. 
  • Support and next steps: Include post-purchase information such as shipping details, contact information for customer support, and an invitation to leave reviews or provide feedback.

The Marketing Power of Gratitude: Using Confirmation and Thank You Emails

Order confirmation emails allow marketers to reassure the customer about their purchase decision and foster trust by presenting transparent order details and dispatch information. 

A simple confirmation such as, “Your order of has been received and is being processed,” can instill confidence in the customer about their purchase decision.

Secondly, order confirmation and thank you emails are powerful tools for driving customer engagement and inspiring repeat purchases.

By utilizing well-crafted order confirmation and thank you email templates, marketers can enhance customer satisfaction, strengthen brand loyalty, and lay the foundation for building long-term customer relationships.

The following image showcases an order confirmation and thank you email template.

Here is a list of web pages that have order confirmation and thank you email templates:

order confirmation and thank you email template example

Here is a list of web pages that have order confirmation and thank you email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Order Confirmation & Thank You

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

2 – Product/Service Feedback and Reviews Email Templates: Engage the Customer’s Voice

Product/service feedback and reviews email templates are instrumental in gathering valuable insights from customers regarding their purchase experience and the quality of the product or service received.

These feedback emails are not just a means to gather information; they are an opportunity to show your customers that their opinion matters and that you are committed to improving their experience. It’s a dialogue that helps build a relationship based on trust and shared value.

Now, let’s delve into the five key elements to consider when designing product/service feedback and reviews email templates:

  • Clear request: Communicate the purpose of the email and ask customers to provide feedback or leave a review. Make it easy for them to understand what you’re asking for and how they can provide their input.
  • Personalization: Address the customer by name and reference the specific product or service they have purchased. This personal touch shows that you value their individual experience and feedback.
  • Rating and review options: Offer a straightforward way for customers to provide ratings and write reviews. Include clickable links or buttons that direct them to review platforms, your website, or a feedback form.
  • Incentives (optional): Consider offering incentives, such as discounts, exclusive content, or entry into a giveaway, to encourage customers to share their feedback or leave a review.
    However, ensure transparency by clearly stating any conditions or limitations.
  • Gratitude and follow-up: Express your appreciation for their time and feedback. Thank them for their contribution, and let them know how their feedback helps you improve your products or services.
    Consider following up with a personalized message once they have submitted their feedback or review.

Read more: Email Nurturing: How to Cultivate Strong Customer Relationships

The Power of Product/Service Feedback: Transforming Customer Voices Into Marketing Leverage 

Product/service feedback and reviews email templates could be instrumental in refining product features, streamlining customer service, and delivering a superior overall customer experience.

For instance, if several customers provide feedback about a particular product feature being hard to use, it signals an area for improvement that the business can address.

Additionally, these emails are an excellent platform to garner reviews.

Embedding a brief customer satisfaction survey or soliciting a review of the purchased product or service can significantly uplift the overall customer experience and yield valuable social proof. 

For example, a simple request like, “We’d love to hear about your experience with . Please take a moment to leave a review,” encourages customers to share their feedback.

By leveraging these feedback collection email templates, marketers can engage actively with customers, showcasing their commitment to customer satisfaction. 

Ultimately, this strategy serves to elevate customer loyalty, enhance the brand’s reputation, and boost conversion rates, making the feedback process a two-way street that benefits both the business and its customers.

Below is an example of a product/service feedback and reviews email template.

product/service feedback and reviews email template example

Here is a list of web pages that have product/service feedback and reviews email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Product/Service Feedback

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

3 – Upsell/Cross-Sell Recommendations Email Templates: Explore the Power of Personalized Growth

In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, upsell/cross-sell recommendations email templates hold incredible potential for maximizing customer lifetime value.

These templates function as a marketer’s secret magic wand, skillfully enabling them to suggest additional items or services that align with a customer’s recent purchases.

This strategic approach not only personalizes the customer’s journey but also contributes significantly to enhancing customer loyalty and repeat sales.

Before we explore this further, let’s examine five essential elements that should be taken into account when crafting these powerful upsell/cross-sell recommendations email templates:

  • Personalization: Address the customer by name and reference their previous purchases or browsing history. Tailor the recommendations based on their specific interests and preferences.
  • Relevant recommendations: Offer products or services that complement or enhance the customer’s previous purchase. Highlight the benefits and features that make these recommendations valuable additions to their current selection.
  • Compelling messaging: Craft persuasive and engaging content that clearly communicates the value and benefits of the recommended products or services. Use persuasive language, compelling visuals, and customer testimonials, if available, to increase appeal.
  • Clear call-to-action: Include a prominent and actionable call-to-action that directs customers to explore the recommended items or make a purchase. Use buttons or links that stand out to guide customers to the next step effortlessly.
  • Limited-time offers (Optional): Create a sense of urgency by incorporating limited-time offers or exclusive discounts for the recommended items. Encourage customers to take advantage of the offer to incentivize immediate action.

Using Upsell/Cross-Sell Recommendations Email Templates: Harness Personalized Suggestions for Enhanced Growth

Upsell/cross-sell recommendations email templates are an avenue for suggesting complementary products or services, allowing businesses to tap into the customer’s existing interests and promote further purchases. 

This strategy plays a crucial role in boosting customer lifetime value and improving overall sales.

For example, if a customer just purchased a pair of running shoes, suggesting complementary items like running socks or fitness apparel could stimulate additional purchases.

In addition to that, these templates aid in promoting new or related products. By linking recent purchases to other items in your portfolio, you can guide the customer towards additional desirable products, thereby boosting sales.

A statement like, “Customers who bought this also liked these…” could guide your customers to explore and potentially purchase more from your brand.

To maximize the impact of these suggestions, marketers can utilize detailed customer data and purchase history to make these recommendations genuine, personalized, and relevant.

An effective call-to-action, such as “Discover products tailored just for you!” could spark curiosity and engagement.

By effectively using these upsell/cross-sell recommendations email templates, marketers can actively engage with customers and provide them with a more personalized and rewarding shopping experience.

These strategies can help in driving business growth, elevating customer loyalty, and ultimately enhancing the brand’s market presence.

Below is an image showcasing an upselling email template.

Evernote’s upsell email

Here is a list of web pages that have upsell/cross-sell recommendations email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Upsell/Cross-Sell Recommendations

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

4 – Customer Support and Assistance Email Templates: Nurture Relationships and Resolve Challenges

Customer support and assistance email templates allow marketers to effectively respond to customer questions, worries, and problems.

These templates help in providing timely and individualized support, improving the customer experience overall.

Importantly, they also form a bridge between your business and the customer, nurturing a relationship that extends beyond the transaction. The ability to solve issues quickly and effectively can build trust, foster customer loyalty, and promote repeat business.

Let’s take a look at five critical elements to keep in mind when crafting these crucial customer support and assistance email templates:

  • Clear and friendly tone: Use a warm and empathetic tone in your email template to show that you genuinely care about resolving the customer’s issue or concern. Be courteous, understanding, and professional throughout the communication.
  • Detailed information gathering: Include specific questions or prompts to gather all the necessary details about the customer’s problem or inquiry.
    Request information such as order numbers, account details, or any relevant specifics that will help your support team provide a comprehensive response.
  • Prompt response and estimated timeline: Assure the customer that their email has been received and let them know when they can expect a response.
    Provide an estimated resolution timeline or inform them about any potential delays, setting clear expectations from the start.
  • Clear and actionable steps: Break down the solution or assistance into clear and actionable steps. Use bullet points or numbered lists to make it easy for the customer to follow and understand the instructions. 
  • Closing with appreciation: End the email by expressing appreciation for the customer’s patience and understanding. Let them know that you are available to help if needed.
    Provide contact information or direct them to additional support resources, such as FAQ pages or knowledge bases.

The Strength of Support: Cultivating Customer Relationships Through Proactive Assistance

If a customer is experiencing difficulty with product setup, an efficiently drafted email can offer step-by-step guidance, addressing the issue head-on and improving the user experience.

Customer support and assistance email templates play an integral role in providing proactive customer service, anticipating common queries, and offering information even before a question arises.

A proactive approach might involve sending an email with a helpful guide on product usage right after a purchase, preventing potential issues and enhancing the customer experience.

Additionally, by utilizing these templates, businesses can showcase their dedication to customer satisfaction, providing assurance that help is always at hand.

The following image showcases an email template for customer support and assistance.

customer service and assistance email template example

Here is a list of web pages that have customer support and assistance email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Customer Support and Assistance Email

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

5 – Educational Content and Resources Email Templates: Empower Growth Through Knowledge

In today’s rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape, education is key to staying ahead of the curve and driving growth.

Educational content and resources email templates are valuable for nurturing customer engagement and adding value to post-purchase interactions.

Critical elements of an educational email template are:

  • Attention-grabbing subject line: Use a compelling subject line that grabs the reader’s attention and clearly conveys the value of the educational content or resources you share. Make it enticing enough to encourage recipients to open the email and engage with the content.
  • Engaging introduction: Start the email with an engaging introduction that highlights the importance or relevance of the educational content.
    Capture the reader’s interest and make them curious about what they will learn or gain from the resources you’re providing.
  • Clear and organized format: Present the educational content or resources in a clear and organized format. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make the information easy to scan and digest.
    Consider using visuals, such as images or infographics to enhance understanding and engagement.
  • Valuable content: Offer high-quality and valuable educational content that aligns with your audience’s interests and needs. This could include articles, tutorials, videos, podcasts, or industry insights.
    Ensure that the content provides practical information, solves problems, or offers new perspectives.
  • Call-to-action and follow-up: Include a clear call-to-action that encourages readers to take the next step, such as downloading additional resources, signing up for a webinar, or exploring related content on your website.
    Follow up with a personalized message to nurture the relationship and invite feedback or questions.

Fueling Growth With Insight: The Impact of Educational Content and Resources Emails in Marketing

From a marketer’s perspective, these educational content and resource emails act as a powerful bridge, connecting customers to a reservoir of knowledge that can enhance their user experience and deepen their relationship with the brand. 

Firstly, these emails are an excellent tool to empower customers, giving them useful tips and insights to derive maximum value from their purchases. This not only ensures customer satisfaction but also paves the way for creating informed brand advocates.

For example, a small tip on how to effectively use a newly purchased gadget can significantly enhance the customer’s usage experience.

Secondly, such educational emails are a brilliant way to maintain regular contact with customers.

By consistently offering value, marketers can foster continuous engagement, making the customers feel appreciated and connected to the brand. They can create a regular series of emails that guide the customer step-by-step on how to best use their product or service.

Lastly, educational emails can also be used to keep customers informed about new features, updates, or improvements. They offer an excellent opportunity for the brand to showcase its commitment to innovation and continuous improvement.

For example, if a software product has a new update, an educational email can help explain the new features and how to use them.

By leveraging well-designed educational content and resources email templates, marketers can foster customer empowerment, boost brand loyalty, and create an engaging platform for continuous learning and growth.

The image below showcases an educational content and resources email template.

Mailchimp’s resources email template

Here is a list of web pages that have educational content and resources email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Educational Content and Resources

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

6 – Referral and Word-of-Mouth Promotion Email Templates: Build Trust through Referrals

Referral and word-of-mouth promotion email templates are an effective strategy for harnessing the power of customer advocacy to drive new business and increase customer acquisition.

These templates provide marketers with a structured framework to encourage satisfied customers to refer their friends, family, or colleagues to the brand.

By offering incentives or rewards for successful referrals, marketers can motivate existing customers to become brand ambassadors and actively promote the products or services to their network.

When designing email templates to encourage referrals and word-of-mouth promotion, consider the following elements:

  • Compelling messaging: Craft your email using persuasive and enthusiastic language that encourages customers to share their positive experiences with others. Highlight the benefits of referring friends and family to your business.
  • Clear incentives: Offer attractive incentives to both the referrer and the new customer. This could be in the form of discounts, rewards, or exclusive offers, motivating customers to spread the word.
  • Social sharing buttons: Include prominent social sharing buttons in the email templates, allowing recipients to easily share your products or services on their social media platforms.
  • Personalization: Personalize the email templates by addressing customers by name and tailoring the content based on their previous interactions with your brand.
  • Clear call-to-action: Provide a clear and straightforward call-to-action that guides recipients on referring others or sharing your content. Make the process simple and user-friendly to increase participation.

Did you know? At least 69% of your customers are likely to recommend you products and services to others after having a positive customer service experience.

Fueling Growth Through Advocacy: Harnessing the Power of Referral and Word-Of-Mouth Promotion Emails in Marketing

For marketers, referral and word-of-mouth promotion emails serve as a potent catalyst, igniting the engine of customer advocacy and accelerating the brand’s growth trajectory.

For instance, an email inviting a customer to refer a friend illustrates that an organization recognizes the power of their advocacy.

In addition, these emails serve as a strategic tool for driving new customer acquisitions.

A personal recommendation from a trusted friend or family member can significantly influence a potential customer’s decision to try out the brand. As such, referral emails can boost conversion rates and help build a solid customer base.

Referral and word-of-mouth promotion emails reinforce a sense of community among customers. They allow customers to actively contribute to the brand’s growth, fostering a deeper connection and sense of loyalty.

For example, celebrating successful referrals in emails can make customers feel appreciated and valued for their contribution.

By leveraging well-crafted referral and word-of-mouth promotion email templates, marketers can supercharge their customer advocacy efforts, enhance brand visibility, and stimulate sustainable growth through powerful personal recommendations.

The following image showcases a professionally designed email template with compelling visuals.

Sheertex’s referral email

Here is a list of web pages that have referral and word-of-mouth promotion email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Referral and Word-of-Mouth Promotion

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

7 – Replenishment Reminders Email Templates: Ensure You Never Run Out

Replenishment reminders email templates play a crucial role in fostering customer loyalty and maximizing customer lifetime value for businesses offering consumable or regularly replaced products.

These templates are designed to automatically remind customers to repurchase items that they have previously bought, ensuring that they do not run out of essential products.

By using replenishment reminders, marketers can proactively engage with their customers and provide them with a convenient and personalized shopping experience.

When designing replenishment reminders email templates, consider the following elements:

  • Personalization: Tailor the email templates to include the customer’s name and specific product details, creating a personalized touch that increases engagement.
  • Precise timing: Set up automated email triggers to send reminders at appropriate intervals, aligning with the typical replenishment cycle for each product.
  • Relevant product information: Include essential product details, such as product name, quantity, and usage instructions, to remind customers why they need to replenish and how to use the product effectively.
  • Exclusive offers: Provide special offers or discounts to incentivize customers to reorder, reinforcing the value of their loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases.
  • Simple call-to-action: Feature a clear and prominent call-to-action button that leads customers directly to the replenishment page, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free ordering process.

Igniting Sustained Engagement: The Impact of Replenishment Reminders Emails in Marketing

From a marketing perspective, replenishment reminders emails serve as an effective strategy for encouraging ongoing customer engagement and driving repeat sales.

For example, a friendly nudge about reordering a skincare product or a pantry staple before they run out can add significant value to the customer experience, setting the stage for repeat purchases.

Secondly, these reminder emails reduce the chances of customers turning to competitors for their needs. By reminding customers when it’s time to reorder, marketers can retain customer loyalty and keep the brand at the forefront of customers’ minds.

For instance, the message, “Your supply of might be running low. Click here to reorder and ensure you never run out,” keeps customers engaged and loyal to the brand.

Finally, these emails emphasize the brand’s commitment to providing seamless and convenient shopping experiences. 

The following image showcases a replenishment reminder email template prompting customers to restock their favorite products.

Sephora’s product replenishment email

Here is a list of web pages that have replenishment reminders email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Replenishment Reminders

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

8 – Exclusive Offers and VIP Benefits Email Templates: A Passport to Unparalleled Perks and Privileges

Exclusive offers and VIP benefits email templates are powerful tools for marketers to reward and retain their most valuable customers.

These templates enable businesses to create a sense of exclusivity by offering special discounts, promotions, or access to exclusive products or events to a select group of customers.

By sending out these email templates, marketers can make their VIP customers feel appreciated and valued, fostering a sense of loyalty and encouraging them to continue their relationship with the brand.

When designing exclusive offers and VIP benefits email templates, consider the following elements to entice and reward your most valuable customers:

  • Irresistible incentives: Craft exclusive offers and rewards that are enticing and tailored to your VIP customers’ preferences, ensuring they feel appreciated and valued.
  • Clear value proposition: Clearly communicate the unique benefits of being a VIP member, such as early access to sales, special promotions, or free shipping, to highlight the value they receive.
  • Personalization: Use customer data to personalize the email templates, addressing customers by name and referencing their past purchases or interactions to create a personalized experience.
  • Eye-catching design: Utilize visually appealing designs, colors, and graphics that capture attention and convey the sense of exclusivity associated with being a VIP member.
  • Call-to-action: Include a prominent call-to-action that allows VIP customers to access their exclusive benefits or redeem their special offers quickly.

Bonus Fact: When a customer trusts your business, they’re likely to spend 60% more on purchases with their subsequent visits.

Delivering Premium Experiences: The Potential of Exclusive Offers and VIP Benefits Emails in Marketing

From a marketer’s lens, the exclusive offers and VIP benefits emails serve as an enticing invitation into a world of unparalleled perks, privileges, and bespoke customer experiences.

This can be achieved by offering a “first look” at new products, access to VIP-only sales, or discounts that aren’t available to the general public.

For example, an email that reads, “As a valued member of our VIP club, we’re excited to offer you exclusive early access to our annual sale,” makes customers feel special and appreciated.

Additionally, these emails play a critical role in fostering brand loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

By offering exclusive benefits, marketers make customers feel valued, deepening their connection to the brand and making them more likely to choose the brand over competitors.

For instance, the message, “Enjoy a 20% discount on your next purchase as a token of our appreciation for your loyalty,” fosters a strong customer-brand relationship.

Moreover, these emails can be used to entice customers to join a brand’s VIP or loyalty program.

By showcasing the benefits members enjoy, marketers can illustrate the value of membership, encouraging more customers to sign up.

An email saying, “Join our VIP club today and unlock access to exclusive deals, early product launches, and more!” serves as an attractive call to action.

By leveraging exclusive offers and VIP benefits email templates effectively, marketers can reward customer loyalty, foster a sense of exclusivity, and create lasting, profitable relationships with customers.

The image below showcases an exclusive offers email template.

exclusive offers email template example

Here is a list of web pages that have exclusive offers and VIP benefits email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Exclusive Offers and VIP Benefits

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

9 – Community Engagement and Social Sharing Email Templates: Unite Communities

Community engagement and social sharing email templates play a vital role in fostering a sense of community among customers and encouraging them to actively engage with a brand’s social media channels and online community.

These templates are designed to promote social sharing, user-generated content, and participation in community events or discussions.

When designing community engagement and social sharing email templates, consider the following elements:

  • Compelling content: Create engaging content encouraging community members to interact, share their experiences, and participate in discussions.
  • Shareable content: Provide valuable and shareable content that community members would be excited to share with their social networks, extending your brand’s reach.
  • Clear call-to-action: Include clear and specific calls-to-action that prompt recipients to engage with your community or share content on social media platforms.
  • Visual appeal: Use visually appealing graphics and images to capture attention and make the email templates more enticing and share-worthy.
  • Incentives for sharing: Offer incentives or rewards for community members who actively participate and share your content, further motivating engagement and social sharing.

Read more: Social Media Engagement

Fostering Connection and Amplification: The Role of Community Engagement and Social Sharing Emails in Marketing

In the marketer’s toolkit, community engagement and social sharing emails serve as a vital bridge, connecting individuals, fostering shared experiences, and amplifying brand messages across social platforms.

To begin with, these emails work to bring together individuals who share common interests or experiences around a brand, thereby fostering a sense of community.

They can highlight customer stories, share user-generated content, or invite customers to join online communities or forums.

An email saying, “Join our community and connect with fellow enthusiasts” helps create a shared identity among customers.

Additionally, these emails provide a platform for social sharing, which can amplify the reach of the brand’s message.

By encouraging customers to share their experiences with the brand on social media, marketers can harness the power of word-of-mouth and user-generated content.

An example could be, “Loved your recent purchase? Share your experience on social media using the hashtag #OurBrandCommunity.”

Moreover, these emails can be used to encourage active participation in brand-driven initiatives or events. Marketers can invite customers to participate in online discussions, webinars, or live events that revolve around the brand and its values.

An invitation like, “Join us for a live webinar about the future of ” can drive customer engagement and interaction.

By inspiring customers to actively engage with the brand and share their experiences, marketers can amplify their reach, enhance brand advocacy, and cultivate a loyal and passionate customer base.

The following image showcases a visually appealing community engagement email template.

Hightly’s social sharing email

Here is a list of web pages that have community engagement and social sharing email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Community Engagement and Social Sharing

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

10 – Reactivation and Repeat Purchase Email Templates: Reignite Interest and Encourage Ongoing Relationships

Reactivation and repeat purchase email templates are essential tools for marketers to re-engage with dormant customers and encourage repeat purchases.

These templates are designed to target customers who have shown interest in the past but have become inactive or haven’t made a purchase recently.

When crafting reactivation and repeat purchase email templates, consider the following elements to re-engage dormant customers and encourage repeat business:

  • Personalization: Personalize the email templates with the customer’s name and relevant product recommendations, making the content more relevant and appealing.
  • Enticing offers: Include special discounts, promotions, or incentives to entice dormant customers to make a repeat purchase.
  • Customer segmentation: Segment your email list based on purchase history and behavior to send targeted offers and recommendations that align with each customer’s preferences.
  • Clear call-to-action: Include a clear and compelling call-to-action that directs recipients to the desired action, such as revisiting the website or placing an order.
  • Engaging content: Craft compelling and persuasive content that highlights the value of returning to your brand and the benefits of making a repeat purchase.

Interesting Fact: According to Invesp, it costs 5 times more revenue for a company to focus on customer acquisition efforts rather than work on customer retention.

Igniting Continued Interest and Sustaining Relationships: The Transformative Power of Reactivation and Repeat Purchase Emails

Reactivation emails can remind customers of the brand’s value proposition, highlight what they missed, or present a tempting offer to lure them back.

An enticing line such as, “We’ve missed you! Here’s an exclusive offer just for you,” can reignite the dormant connection or inspire repeat purchases. 

By leveraging the power of well-crafted reactivation and repeat purchase email templates, marketers can revive inactive customer relationships, encourage repeat purchases, and ultimately foster ongoing, long-term engagement with the brand.

The image below showcases a well-designed email template for reactivating inactive customers.

Sears’ reactivation email

Here is a list of web pages that have reactivation and repeat purchase email templates:

Free Template Downloads: Reactivation and Repeat Purchase

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own style, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Download now in Google Doc, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, PDF and Plain text formats.

Google Doc template iconMicrosoft Word template iconRich Text Format template iconPDF document template iconPlain Text template icon

Unleashing the Power of Post-purchase Email Strategies: Elevate Engagement

In today’s competitive business landscape, customer engagement and retention are paramount for long-term success.

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have explored the transformative potential of post-purchase email strategies.

With innovative templates and personalized communication, marketers can nurture relationships, drive repeat purchases, and create brand advocates.

From order confirmations and thank-you emails to retention strategies and community engagement, these templates offer a holistic approach to keeping customers engaged, delighted, and loyal.

At OnDigitalMarketing, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

Subscribe to our monthly email newsletter for the top 5 industry links, handy toolkits, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Our teachings undergo rigorous peer review across prestigious universities, ensuring you receive the most valuable and up-to-date knowledge.

Unleash the power of post-purchase emails, embrace personalized communication, and unlock the full potential of your customer relationships.

Asking the Right Way: Effective Survey/Research Email Templates Unveiled

Imagine for a moment you’ve just designed the perfect survey, one that’s poised to yield the most insightful data your organization has ever collected.

It’s thorough, intuitive, and clearly articulated.

For example, you can say, “Your There’s just one problem. Is it compelling enough to make your audience click through and actually participate in your survey? 

If you’re not sure, this article will set you on the right path by highlighting:

  • The anatomy of effective survey invitation emails: what they include and why
  • A detailed examination of three survey template types: customer satisfaction, product/service feedback, and market research
  • The impact of each survey template on your digital marketing efforts
  • How well-structured survey emails can boost response rates

Customer Satisfaction Survey Email Templates

We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.”

— Jeff Bezos

Customer satisfaction is a crucial metric for any business. High customer satisfaction not only boosts profits but also reduces future selling costs because businesses retain satisfied customers.

Email surveys are an effective tool to gauge customer satisfaction levels. Customer satisfaction survey email templates will enable you to:

  • Gain insight into customer preferences: These templates can be used to gather crucial information about what your customers like and don’t like about your products or services.
    For example, if a majority of your customers rate a particular feature of your product poorly, you’ll know it’s an area to improve.
    On the other hand, if another feature is consistently well-received, you’ll know it’s a selling point to emphasize in future marketing efforts.
  • Evaluate customer service quality: You can use these templates to ask customers about their interactions with your customer service team.
    If customers are generally happy with the support they receive, that’s great—it’s something you can proudly showcase in your marketing. If not, you’ve identified an area where you can work to improve the overall customer experience.
  • Identify brand advocates: Customers who rate their experiences highly might be willing to become brand advocates or provide testimonials, which can be used in marketing materials.
    You can even use a survey to ask directly if customers are willing to refer others to your business or provide a review. 
  • Make data-driven marketing decisions: The feedback from these surveys will help you make more informed, data-driven decisions about your marketing strategy.
    Rather than guessing what messaging will resonate with your audience, you can use their feedback to guide your approach.
  • Improve personalization techniques: The responses can also guide personalized marketing. If a customer expresses interest in a specific product category in the survey, you can segment your email list to send targeted marketing emails about that product.

From Invitation to Action: Harnessing the Power of Compelling Templates

To craft an effective customer satisfaction survey template, OnDigitalMarketing recommends employing proven survey techniques. 

Start with an engaging subject line like “We’d Love Your Feedback” or “Help Us Improve Your Experience.”

Follow this up with a personalized greeting that includes the customer’s name, if possible, a well-established technique to increase response rates.

Other key elements to include are:

  • Clear purpose: Explain why you’re reaching out and why their feedback matters. Customers are more likely to respond when they understand their opinions can make a real difference.
  • Concise survey: Keep the survey concise and easy to answer by focusing on thoughtful question design. Scale ratings (1–5 or 1–10), multiple choice, and yes/no questions work well. An option for comments can also be helpful for more detailed feedback.
  • Visible call-to-action: Make it easy for customers to start the survey with a clear, prominent call-to-action button. For example, “Take the Survey” or “Share Your Thoughts.”
  • Incentive (optional): If it fits your business model, consider offering a token of appreciation for their time, like a discount on their next purchase or entry into a giveaway.
  • Thank you & goodbye: Conclude by expressing gratitude and let them know how you’ll use their feedback. This reinforces the value of their participation and leaves them with a positive impression.

Incentive Example: As a token of our gratitude, complete the survey for a 10% discount on your next purchase. Your feedback matters!

Check out the sleek email template of a customer satisfaction survey below. It’s got a neat layout, eye-catching visuals, and super clear buttons to click on.

Nordstrom Rack’s customer satisfaction survey

Here is a list of web pages that have customer satisfaction survey email templates:

Customize Your Own Templates

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own voice, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Example 1

Example 2

Product/Service Feedback Email Templates

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

— Bill Gates

Collecting feedback on products or services is essential for businesses to understand customer needs and improve their offerings.

Product/service feedback email templates provide marketers with a structured approach to:

  • Improve customer engagement: Regularly reaching out for feedback lets your customers know that their opinions are valued. It builds a strong relationship with them, encouraging brand loyalty.
  • Inform strategy and product development: The feedback you receive will give you a clear picture of what’s working and what’s not in terms of your product or service. You can then work on improving where necessary.
  • Personalize customer experience: Feedback often highlights individual customer preferences. Using this data, you can tailor your approach, messaging, and even your products to better meet their needs.

Feedback from product/service templates can also help you:

  • Create content: Testimonials, reviews, and customer stories gathered through feedback emails can be repurposed into content for marketing. These materials are very persuasive because they come directly from customers.
  • Nurture leads: When someone provides feedback, it opens up a line of communication. This is a perfect opportunity to nurture that customer toward further purchases or to address any concerns that might have prevented them from purchasing again.
  • Identify brand advocates: Customers who give positive feedback and regularly engage with your emails are potential brand advocates. They can be a gold mine for word-of-mouth marketing, which remains one of the most effective forms of promotion.

Quick Fact: According to survey data, brands that actively seek and apply customer feedback see a 77% increase in positive consumer perception.

Key Elements of a Successful Feedback Email Request

Creating an effective product/service feedback email template can make a huge difference in the response rate and quality of the feedback you receive. Here’s what typically makes an email feedback request successful:

  • Personalized greeting: Include the customer’s name to create a personal connection and let them know the email isn’t just generic spam.
  • Clear purpose: Make it immediately clear what the email is about and why their feedback matters. Explain how their insights will help improve your products, services, or customer experience.
  • Easy-to-complete feedback method: Whether it’s a survey, a rating scale, or simple open-ended questions, make it as easy as possible for the customer to give feedback. People are more likely to respond if it won’t take much of their time.
  • Incentive: If possible, offer some kind of incentive for providing feedback. This can be a discount code, entry into a prize draw, or early access to a new product.
  • Thank you note: Always end with a thank you, showing your gratitude for their time and effort.

The image showcases a product/service feedback email template designed to gather valuable insights and opinions from customers about their experiences with a specific product or service.

service feedback email template

Here is a list of web pages that have product/service feedback email templates:

Customize Your Own Templates

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own voice, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Example 1

Example 2

Market Research Surveys Email Templates

If you’re not meeting your visitors’ needs, it doesn’t matter how ‘optimized’ your site is.”

— Stoney deGeyter

Market research plays a vital role in gaining deep insights into the target audience and market trends.

Market research surveys email templates provide marketers with effective tools to gather data and make informed business decisions by providing:

  • Enhanced understanding of customers: These surveys help you gather key demographic and psychographic data about your audience. This kind of information helps you create customer personas and tailor your marketing efforts to fit their needs and preferences.
  • Product development insight: Market research templates can be a goldmine for learning what features your target market loves, what needs improvement, or what they wish your product had.
  • Competition analysis: You can find out how you stack up against competitors in your customer’s eyes. Are there areas where your competition is outperforming you? This knowledge lets you strategize to get ahead.

Caution: Be cautious with the way you interpret your survey results; biases can distort your understanding and lead to wrong business decisions.

The Power of Well-Crafted Market Research Survey Emails

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.”

— Peter Drucker

Creating effective market research survey email templates is key to getting valuable audience insights about your market, competition, and customer preferences. Here’s what a market research email generally includes:

  • Engaging subject line: The first step to getting respondents is to make them open your email. An interesting, relevant subject line is crucial here.
  • Personalized greeting: Just like with feedback emails, using the customer’s name makes the interaction feel more personal and tailored.
  • Explanation of purpose: Clearly state why you’re conducting the survey and how the respondent’s input will be beneficial. This gives them a reason to participate.
  • Survey link or embedded survey: Make it as easy as possible for the recipient to take your survey. A prominent, easy-to-find link or an embedded survey within the email works best.
  • Estimated time to complete: Be transparent about how long the survey will likely take. If it’s short, that’s a selling point. If it’s longer, you might need to offer an incentive to ensure completion.

Conclude with a thank you note that shows appreciation for their time and willingness to help.

The image below showcases a professionally designed email template for market research data collection.

survey invitation email for market research

Here is a list of web pages that have market research surveys email templates:

Customize Your Own Templates

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own voice, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Example 1

Example 2

Website/App Feedback Email Templates

Website or app feedback is an integral part of enhancing your digital experience, making your platform more user-friendly, and boosting engagement.

Website/app feedback email templates are instrumental for businesses in gathering crucial data about their digital platforms:

  • Identifying usability issues: These emails can help collect information about difficulties users might be experiencing while navigating your site or app. Knowing where users struggle most allows you to prioritize those areas for improvement.
  • Gathering user suggestions: Feedback can include valuable ideas and suggestions from users that can help improve the website or app. They might see a need for a feature or service that you hadn’t considered before.
  • Understanding user satisfaction: By asking for feedback, you can gauge the overall satisfaction of users with your website or app. This can help you understand what is working well and what needs improvement.

Impactful website/app feedback email templates involve several key elements:

  • Intriguing subject line: The initial step to eliciting responses is to entice users to open your email. A compelling, pertinent subject line is essential.
  • Personalized salutation: As with other customer-centric emails, using the user’s name makes the conversation feel more individual and tailored.
  • Purpose clarification: Explain clearly why you are requesting feedback and how their insights will contribute to improvements. This gives them a valid reason to engage.
  • Link to the feedback form: Ensure the process of giving feedback is as frictionless as possible. Incorporate an easy-to-spot link or embed the feedback form within the email.
  • Estimated completion time: Be honest about how long it will take to provide feedback. If the process is quick, use it as an appealing point. If it requires more time, consider offering a token of appreciation for their effort.

Here’s an example of a professionally designed website/app feedback email template.

Lyft feedback survey request email

Here is a list of web pages that have website/app feedback email templates:

Customize Your Own Templates

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own voice, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Example 1

Example 2

Content Feedback Email Templates

Content feedback email templates serve as a valuable tool for marketers to gather insights on the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of their content. 

These templates enable marketers to collect feedback from their audience regarding blog posts, articles, videos, social media content, and other forms of content they produce.

Content feedback email templates provide a structured approach for businesses to gather crucial insights about their content and:

  • Evaluate engagement: Feedback emails allow readers to share their views about the content, helping you understand what resonated well and what didn’t.
  • Collect suggestions: Readers often provide valuable ideas for content enhancements. This can give you fresh perspectives and enable you to innovate for future content.
  • Measure satisfaction: Feedback enables you to measure reader satisfaction, giving you a direct measure of the content’s success and areas where you can improve.

Crafting Powerful Content Feedback Emails

Effective content feedback email templates typically include the following elements:

  • Engaging subject line: This aims to catch the attention of the recipient and stimulate their curiosity to open the email. For example, “Your Insights Can Shape Our Next Blog Post” or “Help Us Improve: Your Opinion on Our Content Matters.”
  • Personalized greeting: Personalization creates a sense of individual attention. For instance, instead of saying, “Dear Reader,” use “Dear ,” This simple touch can make your recipients feel more willing to respond.
  • Clear explanation: The reason for asking for feedback needs to be evident.
    For example, you can say, “Your thoughts and impressions about our recent content are essential for us to make our future content even better. Please take a few minutes to share your feedback with us.”
  • Direct link to feedback form: The easier it is for readers to leave feedback, the more likely they are to do so. Instead of guiding them through a complicated process, provide a direct link or an embedded form in your email.
  • Estimated completion time: Telling your recipients how much time they need can increase the response rate. For example, if your survey is short, you can highlight this by saying, “This survey will only take 2 minutes of your time.”

End by thanking the reader for their time and input, e.g., “We appreciate your invaluable input. Your feedback helps us improve and shape our future content to suit your needs. Thank you for your time and contribution.”

The image below showcases a content feedback email template.

feedback email template

Here is a list of web pages that have content feedback email templates:

Customize Your Own Templates

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own voice, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Example 1

Example 2

Event Feedback Email Templates 

Event feedback plays a significant role in making your gatherings more successful, memorable, and relevant to your audience’s needs.

Event feedback email templates provide a structured approach for businesses to gather crucial insights about their events:

  • Evaluating success: Feedback emails allow attendees to share their views about the event, helping you understand what worked well and what didn’t.
  • Collecting suggestions: Attendees often provide valuable ideas for enhancements. This can give you fresh perspectives and enable you to innovate for future events.
  • Measuring satisfaction: Feedback enables you to measure attendee satisfaction, giving you a direct measure of the event’s success and areas where you can improve.

Importantly, treat each piece of feedback as a learning opportunity. While some feedback might not be flattering, it provides an opportunity to improve and create even more impactful events.

Crafting Powerful Event Feedback Emails

Effective event feedback email templates typically include the following elements:

  • Engaging subject line: This aims to catch the attention of the recipient and stimulate their curiosity to open the email.
    For example, “Your Insights Can Shape Our Next Event.” or “Help Us Improve: Your Opinion Matters.” are engaging and suggest the importance of the attendee’s feedback.
  • Personalized greeting: Personalization creates a sense of individual attention. For instance, instead of saying, “Dear attendee,” use “Dear ,”. This simple touch can make your recipients feel special and more willing to respond.
  • Clear explanation: The reason for asking for feedback needs to be evident.
    For example, you can say, “Your thoughts and impressions about our recent event are essential for us to make our future events even better. Please take a few minutes to share your feedback with us.”
  • Direct link to feedback form: The easier it is for attendees to leave feedback, the more likely they are to do so.
    Instead of guiding them through a complicated process, provide a direct link or an embedded form in your email, like: “Please click here to complete the survey” or “Find the feedback form embedded below.”
  • Estimated completion time: Telling your recipients how much time they need can increase the response rate.
    For example, if your survey is short, you can highlight this by saying, “This survey will only take 3 minutes of your time.” If it’s a longer survey, offer some incentive, like: “Spare 10 minutes to complete this survey, and get a chance to win a $50 gift card.”

End by thanking the attendee for their time and input, e.g., “We appreciate your invaluable input. Your feedback helps us improve and shape our future events to suit your needs. Thank you for your time and contribution.”

Below is an example of an expertly crafted event feedback email template designed to effectively gather attendee insights and opinions.

event feedback email template

Here is a list of web pages that have event feedback email templates:

Customize Your Own Templates

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own voice, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Example 1

Example 2

Employee Satisfaction Surveys Email Templates

We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

— Bill Gates

Employee satisfaction surveys are a valuable tool for gathering feedback and insights from employees within an organization. They touch on:

  • Uncovering pain points: These templates provide a structured platform for employees to express their views about their job and the company, giving you insights into areas that might be causing dissatisfaction.
  • Collecting suggestions: Often, employees will offer solutions or suggestions for improvement in these surveys. Implementing these suggestions can lead to increased satisfaction, productivity, and employee retention.
  • Measuring job satisfaction: Regularly checking in with employees about their satisfaction levels helps you track the effectiveness of your current workplace practices and make necessary adjustments.

Building Effective Employee Satisfaction Surveys Emails

An effective employee satisfaction survey email must be clear, respectful of the employee’s time, and stress the importance of their feedback in improving the workplace. It typically includes:

  • Engaging subject line: Prompt your employees to open the email by crafting an appealing subject line that emphasizes the importance of their feedback.
    An example might be “Help Us Create a Better Workplace for You” or “Your Voice Matters: Share Your Experience.”
  • Personalized greeting: Addressing your employees by their name adds a personal touch and can enhance response rates.
    Rather than using generic salutations like “Dear employee,” use “Dear .” This makes the employee feel recognized and valued.
  • Purpose explanation: Clearly state why you’re conducting the survey and how the feedback will help enhance the workplace environment.
    For example, “We’re committed to making our company the best place to work. To do this, we need your honest feedback about your experience at our company.”
  • Survey link: Simplify the process of taking the survey by including a straightforward link or embedding the survey within the email.
    This can be something like, “Click here to start the survey” or “Please find the survey embedded in this email.”
  • Time estimation: Indicate how long the survey will take. If it’s short, stress this point, such as “This survey will only take about 5 minutes of your time.”
    If it’s longer, communicate the significance of their detailed feedback, e.g., “This 15-minute survey is crucial in helping us understand and enhance our workplace environment.”

Wrap up with a note of gratitude thanking them for their time and valuable insights.

The image below showcases an email template for conducting employee satisfaction surveys.

employee satisfaction survey template

Here is a list of web pages that have employee satisfaction surveys email templates:

Customize Your Own Templates

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own voice, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Example 1

Example 2

Brand Perception and Awareness Email Templates

Brand perception and awareness are vital pillars for a company’s success. It influences how customers perceive your brand, its reach, and its reputation.

Brand perception and awareness email templates offer a structured way for businesses to gather key insights about their brand:

  • Unearthing brand image: Such emails provide an opportunity for customers to express their views about your brand. This feedback is crucial to understanding how your brand is perceived in the marketplace.
  • Collecting customer views: Customers often provide critical insight into how your brand’s messaging, values, and customer experience align with their expectations. Their suggestions can lead to brand-enhancing improvements.
  • Measuring brand awareness: Regularly surveying your customers and target market about your brand helps gauge the success of your branding efforts and informs strategies for improving brand awareness.

Crafting Impactful Brand Perception and Awareness Emails

Constructing a powerful brand perception and awareness survey email includes the following aspects:

  • Engaging subject line: Catch your customers’ attention with a compelling subject line that underlines the importance of their opinion.
    Examples include: “Help Us Understand You Better: Share Your Thoughts About ” or “We Value Your Insight on .”
  • Personalized greeting: A personal touch can enhance engagement. Address your customers by their name to create a more personal connection.
  • Purpose explanation: Clearly state why you’re conducting the survey and how their feedback will help enhance the brand.
    For instance: “We’d love to know more about your perception of . Your insights will help us tailor our offerings and communications to better meet your needs.”
  • Survey link: Ensure it’s easy for customers to participate by including a straightforward link or embedding the survey within the email.
    For example: “Click here to share your thoughts about ” or “You can find the survey embedded in this email below.”

Quick Fact: An engaging subject line can increase email open rates by 50%. Craft something that speaks directly to your customer’s interests and needs.”

Below is an image of a brand perception surveyl.

brand perception survey

Here is a list of web pages that offer email templates that can be used to promote brand perception and awareness:

Customize Your Own Templates

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own voice, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Example 1

Example 2

New Feature Prioritization Survey Templates

You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.”

— Steve Jobs

New feature prioritization feedback plays a significant role in making your product more successful, user-friendly, and relevant to your customers’ needs. 

New feature prioritization survey templates provide a structured approach for businesses to gather crucial insights about their products:

  • Evaluating demand: Feedback surveys allow users to share their views about the proposed features, helping you understand what is most needed and what isn’t.
  • Collecting suggestions: Users often provide valuable ideas for feature enhancements. This can give you fresh perspectives and enable you to innovate for future product updates.
  • Measuring satisfaction: Feedback enables you to measure user satisfaction with current features, giving you a direct measure of the product’s success and areas where you can improve.

Crafting Powerful New Feature Prioritization Surveys

Effective new feature prioritization survey templates typically include the following elements:

  • Engaging subject line: This aims to catch the attention of the recipient and stimulate their curiosity to open the email. For example, “Help Shape the Future of Our Product” or “Your Input Needed: Prioritize New Features for .”
  • Personalized greeting: Personalization creates a sense of individual attention. Instead of saying, “Dear User,” use “Dear ,”. This simple touch can make your recipients feel more willing to respond.
  • Clear explanation: The reason for asking for feedback needs to be evident.
    For example, you can say, “Your thoughts and preferences about our proposed new features are essential for us to make our product even better. Please take a few minutes to share your feedback with us.”
  • Direct link to feedback form: The easier it is for users to leave feedback, the more likely they are to do so. Instead of guiding them through a complicated process, provide a direct link or an embedded form in your email.
  • Estimated completion time: Telling your recipients how much time they need can increase the response rate. For example, if your survey is short, you can highlight this by saying, “This survey will only take 5 minutes of your time.”

End by thanking the user for their time and input, e.g., “We appreciate your invaluable input. Your feedback helps us improve and shape our product’s future features to suit your needs. Thank you for your time and contribution.”

The image showcases a professionally designed email for gathering insights on new features. 

new feature prioritization survey email

Here is a list of web pages that offer email templates that can be used for new feature prioritization surveys:

Customize Your Own Templates

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own voice, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Example 1

Example 2

Demographic and Customer Profile Surveys Email Templates

Customer profiling plays a crucial role in understanding the persona of your customer base, allowing businesses to cater to their specific needs and wants.

Demographic and customer profile survey templates offer businesses an efficient means to gather this crucial information:

  • Uncovering customer persona: These emails help collect essential demographic information such as age, gender, location, income level, and occupation.
    This data assists in understanding who your customers are and what they might need or want from your business.
  • Recognizing patterns: By analyzing demographic and customer profile surveys, you can identify trends or patterns in customer behavior, enabling more accurate marketing and product development strategies.
  • Segmentation: The data collected through these surveys is key for effective segmentation, ensuring you send the most relevant messaging to each audience segment.

Designing Effective Demographic and Customer Profile Surveys Emails

Impactful demographic and customer profile email templates involve several key steps:

  • Engaging subject line: Craft an enticing subject line that encourages recipients to participate in the survey. Examples include: “Help Us Tailor Your Experience with ” or “We Value Your Insights: Help Us Get to Know You Better.”
  • Personalized greeting: Adding a personal touch can enhance engagement and response rates. Use your customer’s name to make the interaction more personal.
  • Purpose explanation: Clearly explain why you’re conducting the survey and how their feedback will help improve their experience with your brand.
    For instance: “To better tailor our offerings and provide a more personalized experience, we’re interested in learning more about you. Your responses will help us improve your experience with .”
  • Survey link: Simplify the process of taking the survey by including a straightforward link or embedding the survey within the email.
    For example: “Click here to start the survey” or “You’ll find the survey embedded below in this email.”

Here is an image of a customer profile survey.

customer demographic survey

Here is a list of web pages that offer email templates that can be used for demographic and customer profile surveys:

Customize Your Own Templates

Need inspiration to help get you started? Download a free template and customize for your online store. Add your own voice, product images, discounts, offers and signature style.

Example 1

Example 2

Unlocking Insights: Harnessing the Power of Customer Feedback Email Templates

The customer’s perception is your reality.”

— Kate Zabriskie

As we have unpacked in this lively discussion, “Asking the Right Way” is not just about tossing questions into the digital universe and hoping for useful responses. Survey invitations are an art, a science, and require a bit of magic sprinkled in for good measure.

The range of templates we’ve discussed—from customer satisfaction and product/service feedback to market research—each plays a unique role in your digital marketing toolbox.

Harnessing these email templates for feedback gathering is like inviting your customers to a friendly conversation. You gain priceless insights that can drive business growth and innovation, while your customers get the chance to voice their thoughts and feel genuinely heard. 

Every piece of feedback, every response, is a gift that helps you understand your market better, improve your offerings, and yes, even spot the new trends before they become mainstream.

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